
Ribben Product is Not Work in category of menu but its work in Search this same categery

9 years ago
#9567 Quote
  • 6
now i have work on site. i am use your plugin. i use soler search to display when i am search category in my site that time ribben show me but when directly click on category link on menu that time ribben is not showing me.

ribben product is only work in search but now work in directly category list.
9 years ago
#9568 Quote
  • 157
sangeet.shah wrote:
now i have work on site. i am use your plugin. i use soler search to display when i am search category in my site that time ribben show me but when directly click on category link on menu that time ribben is not showing me.

ribben product is only work in search but now work in directly category list.

Hi sangeet,

I remember that this plugin replaces some of the default nopCommerce's views, which is not a good practice and thus may break some of the product ribbons functionality. As we cannot guarantee what this Solr search does and how it works, it looks like there is some difference between the two pages, when there should not have any. In order to see what might be wrong, would it be possible to send us a link to your store.

Looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards,

Stefan Hristov
9 years ago
#9571 Quote
  • 6
How Ribben product replace product div tag do you tell me or explain me how it replace div tag of ribben in nopcommerce product tag.which jquery script work on it?
9 years ago
#9573 Quote
  • 157
Hi sangeet,

The Nop Product Ribbons uses javascript in order to be placed on page load. It uses the selectors which can be adjusted in the administration of the plugin in order to retrieve the information needed for the current product and for the place on which to be inserted in the markup.

Would it be possible to let us know the order id for your Nop Product Ribbons, as I cannot see an order on your account for this plugin.

Hope that helps!
Best Regards,

Stefan Hristov
9 years ago
#9576 Quote
  • 6
Dear Sir
              How rebben add their ribben class to special page ?
beause my ribben jquery and css file is load on my page but i can't see ribben on product.

i wish you can help me to solve this issue.plz tell me how ribben is work on special page .how ribben add on product.

Thanks & Regards,
Sangeet Shah
9 years ago
#9577 Quote
  • 6
i am working on ribbon plug with my project. I show that ribbon plugin's css and .js file is add with my page but on my product ribben is not added. i can't see ribben on my product.

            i modify category view of category to display all product from jquery so this issue is occur but its work with default nopcommerce category product so ribbon issue is occur after modify the display mothod is change from default to jquery.
so help me to resolve my issue.tell me how can i check what is issue .any method to find out what is problem or confict to solve it. or any tools that help me to resolve this issue.

please tell me any method to resolve this issue or provide me similer method to resolve it that help me.

Thanks & Regards Sangeet S Shah
9 years ago
#9579 Quote
  • 157
Hi Sangeet,

Can you let us know what are the settings of your product ribbons plugin. Go to admin -> plugins -> 7Spikes plugins -> Nop Product Ribbons -> Settings and let us know what are the 4 settings being set to. Make sure that the selectors on that page are the ones that are on your product page. If they are correct the js will be executed and the ribbons will be added on the page. I am not sure what is this "special page" you refer to.

You can find information about the product ribbons here.

p.s. We are still waiting for the order id with which you have obtained the Nop Product Ribbons. I am afraid that if you do not let us know, we will not be able to support you on this issue.

Looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards,

Stefan Hristov