
Profile: kh_s


User posts

9 months ago

in version 4.60.4 comment submit button not work.
how i can resolve this problem?

one year ago

hi, i want popup just show in /cart page. how i do it?
nopcommerce 4.50.3.

one year ago

Hi, blog category pages title and blog page title they are the same.i created 5 categories for blog with rich blog, now with blog page in my site 6 pages They have the same h1.
You know that in terms of SEO, 2 pages should not have the same h1. can i resolve this?

Change Page
3 years ago

Hi, with this plugin change pages(page number 2,3 and ...) like category pages is with ajax and button page number is without link. how i can understand google bot can crawl page 2 or 3?
thank you

Widget Zone
3 years ago

Hi, how can add text and video in category page after product list?
in widget zone is not categorydetails_AFTER_product_list.