

11 years ago
#1725 Quote
  • 269
activeforever wrote:
I have Nop 2.70. Please note that I do have 'Enable Automatic Integration' disabled. I cleared the log and tried running but nothing showed up there. Just the same JS error in Firebug.

Hi activeforever,

Have you changed anything in the views or .js file of the Ajax Cart plugin?

Have you changed anything in the Core plugin? For example the kendo.all.min.js file.
Please check that the file is located in Plugins\SevenSpikes.Core\Scripts.

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
11 years ago
#1726 Quote
  • 12
I have not made any modifications to the plug-in and can verify that those files are being loaded correctly (including Kendo).
11 years ago
#1727 Quote
  • 269
activeforever wrote:
I have not made any modifications to the plug-in and can verify that those files are being loaded correctly (including Kendo).

Can you please try and delete the SevenSpikes.Core and SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart folders from your Plugins folder, download the package from our website and copy the SevenSpikes.Core and SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart folders again to the Plugins folder. Also please check that you have integrated correctly the Ajax Cart plugin from out online documentation.

Also if this does not work can you please send us admin credentials to your website on support at

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
11 years ago
#1728 Quote
  • 12
Okay, re-downloaded and installed the core/ajax cart plug-ins and same issue. The website is not live so I cannot give you an admin log in. I am running it on my local dev box.
11 years ago
#1729 Quote
  • 269
activeforever wrote:
Okay, re-downloaded and installed the core/ajax cart plug-ins and same issue. The website is not live so I cannot give you an admin log in. I am running it on my local dev box.

Please integrate the plugin on the product page and try to add the product to the cart.
I assume that the problem appears when you try to add a product to the cart.

I will be waiting for your reply.
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
11 years ago
#1730 Quote
  • 12
Product page seems to work fine. I am getting the error when trying to add from the category page. Note, I have the 'Enable Ajax Cart On Multi Product Variants On Catalog Pages' enabled as well.
11 years ago
#1731 Quote
  • 12
It seems like anything that is trying to interact with the Kendo UI window object is breaking on the category pages.
11 years ago
#1732 Quote
  • 12
Looks like I fixed it. The class for 'Category Page Products Panel Selector' option was not named correctly in the plug in settings.
10 years ago
#3089 Quote
  • 11

I'm having a very strange problem with Ajax Cart plugin.
My store shows Bestsellers and Featured Products on home page.

The problem happens when the same product is Bestsellers and Featured Products at the same time.

The product appears with 2 textboxes and 2 "Add to Cart" buttons.

After much research, I concluded that the problem was AjaxCart. When I disable it, everything works correctly.

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1 - Enable Show Bestsellers.
2 - Enable Show Featured Products
3 - Select a product as Featured
4 - Make a purchase of this product

When the purchase is made, this product will automatically appear on bestsellers and products. Then you will see what I'm saying.

I use Electronics Theme but it happens with all themes I tested.
And I'm running nopComemrce 3.10.
10 years ago
#3099 Quote
  • 1570
rsolani wrote:

I'm having a very strange problem with Ajax Cart plugin.
I use Electronics Theme but it happens with all themes I tested.
And I'm running nopComemrce 3.10.

Hi rsolani,

Thank you for reporting this. We have fixed the problem. Please update the Ajax Cart plugin to get the fix. Please note that the fix is in the javascript file of the plugin, so make sure you clear your browser's cache before testing.

Regards, Team