

12 years ago
#642 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044

Thank you for your feedback. There was a change in the Nop Ajax Cart in the way how is integrated manually and this has not been added in our documentation which we are going to fix very soon.

Can you try integrating the Nop Ajax Cart using the line below:

For ProductBox_.cshtml :

@Html.Action("GetAddProductToCartAjaxButton", "NopAjaxCart", new { ProductId = Model.Id, ButtonValue = Model.ProductPrice.AvailableForPreOrder ? T("ShoppingCart.PreOrder") : T("ShoppingCart.AddToCart") })

For _ProductVariantAddToCart.cshtml:

@Html.Action("GetAddProductVariantToCartAjaxButton", "NopAjaxCart", new { ProductVariantId = Model.ProductVariantId, ButtonValue = Model.AvailableForPreOrder ? T("ShoppingCart.PreOrder") : T("ShoppingCart.AddToCart") })

Please let us know if this does not work!


12 years ago
#644 Quote
  • 13
so works fine.

Thank you.

11 years ago
#1106 Quote
  • 26

I bought this addon and I found a bug;

consider a product configured with a product variant attribute of type "upload" that is set to be "required":
- go to product page, try to add to cart after having uploaded the file, complete checkout; the file is not attached to the order
- go to catalog page, try to add to cart; the popup panel asking for attributes and quantities does not appear

Please, could anyone help me on solving it?

Thanks in advance.
11 years ago
#1107 Quote
  • 269
codicezerouno wrote:

I bought this addon and I found a bug;

consider a product configured with a product variant attribute of type "upload" that is set to be "required":
- go to product page, try to add to cart after having uploaded the file, complete checkout; the file is not attached to the order
- go to catalog page, try to add to cart; the popup panel asking for attributes and quantities does not appear

Please, could anyone help me on solving it?

Thanks in advance.

Hi codicezerouno,

Thank you for buying our plugins and for your feedback.
There was in fact a bug and we are happy to inform you that now it is fixed.

Please download the newest version of the plugin and replace:
views, that are located in /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart/Views/NopAjaxCartCatalog/

If there is anything else please, do not hesitate and contact us.

Have a wonderful day!

Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
11 years ago
#1108 Quote
  • 26
Hi Ivan,
  I replaced the files but the problem in product detail page persists and now, when I click on "Add to cart" button in catalog page, the popup panel appears now but it doesn't show the product picture and the file to upload is always required even if I uploaded it (this problem also exists in the product detail page).

Thank you.
11 years ago
#1109 Quote
  • 269
codicezerouno wrote:
Hi Ivan,
  I replaced the files but the problem in product detail page persists and now, when I click on "Add to cart" button in catalog page, the popup panel appears now but it doesn't show the product picture and the file to upload is always required even if I uploaded it (this problem also exists in the product detail page).

Thank you.

It works fine on our demo site. You can see here:

You can try to replace all of the files in the SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart folder. After that try to uninstall and then install the Nop Ajax Cart plugin and see if the problem is still there.

I will be waiting for your feedback.
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
11 years ago
#1110 Quote
  • 26
Ok, unistalling and installing the plugin works fine.

Thanks you Ivan!
11 years ago
#1229 Quote
  • 26
  I found a new bug on this addon.
Enabling "Terms of service" on Order Settings and "Enable Nop Ajax Cart on Catalog Pages" on Nop Ajax Cart Settings, when the user clicks "checkout" on popup panel he goes to checkout page without accepting "Terms of service" as he must do from shopping cart page.

Please, could anyone help me on solving it?

Thanks in advance.
11 years ago
#1234 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
codicezerouno wrote:
  I found a new bug on this addon.
Enabling "Terms of service" on Order Settings and "Enable Nop Ajax Cart on Catalog Pages" on Nop Ajax Cart Settings, when the user clicks "checkout" on popup panel he goes to checkout page without accepting "Terms of service" as he must do from shopping cart page.

Please, could anyone help me on solving it?

Thanks in advance.

Hi codicezerouno,

Thank you for reporting it!
We will investigate and will let you know how to fix this issue.

Many thanks!
11 years ago
#1289 Quote
  • 26
  have you news about our last post?

Thanks in advance.