
Profile: IvanStoyanov


User posts

11 years ago

metta123 wrote:
What about just displaying in the mega menu and not in the corresponding page?

Hi metta123,

Can you give us a more detailed description of what you are trying to accomplice?

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

framedigital wrote:

We have added some products to our shop where the product  availability is controlled by the "Available start date" option in the product variant info.

It looks like the Ajax filters do not consider the date ranges as part of the display rules.

We are using the latest NopAjaxFilters_2.65.37.7506 library with Nop 2.65. In the settings, all filters are disabled except for Enable Specifications Filter

To replicate:

1. Edit a product: Catalog > Products > [edit item]
2. Modify product variant > [Edit]
3. Change 'Available start date' to a future date
4. Save everything
5. Reload shop catalog page
6. Select filters - the product with the future date will still be visible, (this should not happen!)
7. Click link to product detail page
8. product detail page correctly identifies the product isn't available yet as per the future date setting, and redirects to the homepage.

Hi framedigital,

Thank you for reporting this.

We have fixed the problem. To apply the fix you need to update the Nop Ajax Filters plugin.
For more information on how to do this please follow this guide:

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

metta123 wrote:
I'm using this feature and getting on well with it. I've create Topic menu which has a drop down which has the topic page contents in the drop down. What I want to do is have just a little of the actual topic pages content in the drop down. So if a user actually clicked on Topics they would be redirected to the topics page where there is a load more content thats not displayed in the dropdown.

Any ideas on how to achieve this? Along the lines of the beloew code.

<div class="row topic-wrapper">
<div class="box">
<p>In dropdown</p>

<div style="color: yellow;">Not in dropdown!</div>

Hi metta123,

To implement this feature you can do the following:

<div class="row topic-wrapper">
<div class="box">
<p>In dropdown</p>

<div class="not-in-menu">
<div style="color: yellow;">Not in dropdown!</div>

Notice that I have added
<div class="not-in-menu">
wrapper around the code, that will not be shown in the Nop Mega Menu.

Also you should add the following css code to the .css file of your theme or the Nop Mega Menu plugin:

.mega-menu .not-in-menu {
display: none;

Best regards,

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
In the Jewelry theme, is there any way I can change the Sort by order.

By Default it is set to "Position"

I need to change this to "Price : Low to High"


Hi pjhenning,

nopCommerce does not have the functionality to change the default sort by option. You can check the nopCommerce forum. There may me more information about this.

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
I am using the Jewelry template but would like to add additional tabs to the Header menu.

Currently I have the Home Page, Products, Manufacturers, forums, About us and Contact us, but would like to add additional tabs such as Specials, Best sellers, etc so that when you click on them they display all the products on promotion, or all the best selling products.

How do I add these tabs to the header menu?


Hi pjhenning,

At the moment the Nop Mega Menu plugin does not support this functionality. You can not display bestsellers or products on promotion in the menu.

You can suggest this in our User voice portal.

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

[email protected] wrote:

In the Jewelry theme, is it possible to add an additional drop down menu in the Header Menu

I would like to add a tab called "How to", and once clicked it brings out the menu where I have topics like track your order, My rewards Points, My account etc.

How can this be done?


Hi pjhenning,

To add a custom menu dropdown you need to go to Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu/Views/MegaMenu/ and open the MegaMenu.cshtml view.

In the view pick a place where you want the additional dropdown to appear.
After that add the following code:

            <a href="#">@T("CustomDropdown")</a>
                        <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "customtopic" })">@T("CustomTopic")</a>
                        <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "customtopic2" })">@T("CustomTopic2")</a>

You need to change the topic names and resources for your needs.

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

mozomart wrote:
I want to purchase Nop Ribbon Plugin which was released on 5th June 2013.
Here is some doubt, please clear my doubt.
1. Is it possible to show two or more ribbon on one product ?
2. When product Quantity is Zero, will Ribbon shows "out of stock"?

Hi mozomart,

With the Nop Product Ribbon plugin you can show as many ribbons per product as you want.
From the administration you can choose a position of the ribbons (top-left, bottom-right, etc.) in which the ribbons will be displayed and you can check the "Stop adding ribbons after this one is added" setting.

When the quantity is zero you can show ribbon "out of stock". You can do this by creation two product ribbons, one for the products that have quantity and one for the products that do not. After that you can use the Conditions for the ribbons, to make rules on what products to display the ribbons.

Once you get the hang of it, the possibilities are endless. You will not be disappointed.

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

gstefani wrote:
the installation of the following error: "Keyword or statement option 'encryption' is not supported in this version of SQL Server."

my nopcommerce version is 3.0

Hi gstefani,

Thank you for reporting this. We have fixed the problem. I presume, that you are using SQL Azure.
Please update the Nop Ajax Filters plugin and reinstall it.

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

drcomputer wrote:
I am using this on windows azure websites using sql azure

Hi drcomputer,

Thank you for reporting this. We have fixed the problem. Please update the Nop Ajax Filters plugin and reinstall it.

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

rsolani wrote:
Its not exactly a bug, but when a add large images to the slider, the grid loses its format and its impossible to remove the picture, since the delete link gets off the screeen.

I think the grid should display a thumb, and not the image in full size.

Hi rsolani,

We have limited the size of the images added to a slider to 400px. You can apply the change by updating the Nop Anywhere Sliders plugin.

Ivan Stoyanov