
Profile: IvanStoyanov


User posts

10 years ago

rsolani wrote:
Hi Boyko,

I updated the plugin and nothing happens...
I made a lot of testing and the ProductAgeHours is the only condition that do not work for me.
All others are ok.

I tried ProductAgeHours with all combinations of Operators and nothing works like expected.

Well, I can live without the "NEW" ribbon, but its very disappointing for me...

Best regards..

Hi rsolani,

Can you please send to support (at) the admin credentials to your website, so that we can login and investigate the problem further.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

iojvan wrote:
Hi, I have all plugins on Electronics theme and I just found problem on Ajax Filters plugin.
When I use filters nothing happens. I try on Chrome and IE same thing. On first action page appear to filter products (refreshing) but it doesn't filter anything. After that when I use that or another filter nothing happen even refreshing effect.
What could be a problem??
I have last update of theme and plugins.

Hi iojvan,

Please read the following post:
We think that this might be the problem.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

rohit.gonsalves wrote:
I have updated the plugins to 3.02 and now filters are not working.
If I select anything then further there are no refresh or other operations possible with filters.


Hi Rohit,

Please read our release note for the Nop Ajax Filters 3.02 release
You need to uninstall and install the filters in order for the 3.02 version to work.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

rsolani wrote:

I'm trying to make a ribbon for new products, but the condition just don't work.
I just added some products in the store and saved a condition that uses Product age LessThan 72 and no products had ribbons added... In the example 72 are HOURS ? Right ?
When I change to GreaterThan then ribbons appears on all my products.

Its so simple but I cannot make work as expected... Its frustrating...

Please help me and sorry for my bad english! I'm from Brazil.

Hi rsolani,

It is very strange. We have tested this and it works just fine.
Are you sure, that you just added the products?
Try coping a product (thus creating a new product) and try the condition again. Also the condition type should be ProductAgeHours, which means, that the value is in hours.

Ivan Stoyanov

thanks for your reply !

But yes, I'm adding a lot of products these days and THIS condition never works for me...

The products are brand new, the condition is set to ProductAgeHours LessThan 72 hours.
In fact, any value used for "hours" don't work.

And the default condition is FAIL, of course.

When I change the condition to GreaterThan 72 hours, it works for a product I just added a few minutes!

My time zone is UTC-3 (Brasília) and server's time zone is the same.
I really don't know what to do anymore...
Some issue with timezone maybe ??
But I've tried a lot of values for hour (300 for example) and the result is the same.
All other conditions works correctly, except ProductAgeHours.


Hi rsolani,

Can you please update the product ribbons plugin to the latest version. You may me using an older version of the plugin.
Please read the following article for more information on how to update the plugin to the latest version:

Ivan Stoyanov

rcandela wrote:
We love the functionality of AjaxCart when Add-to-cart is clicked on the catalog.  The fact that it first does a popup attribute window, and then adds-to-cart is awesome.

We'd like the same functionality on the Single and Multi product variant pages.  It's easy enough to remove/move attributes around on the Single/MultiProductVariant page templates, but is there a solution to have ALL add-to-cart buttons force the "Select Attribute" popup that is displayed from catalog?

Hi rcandela,

Thank you. We are very happy, that you like our plugin.

Sadly the Nop Ajax Cart plugin does not support the functionality, that you require. At the moment you can not configure it to display a popup with the attributes, when you are on a product page.

You can suggest this feature in our User Voice portal.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

rsolani wrote:

I'm trying to make a ribbon for new products, but the condition just don't work.
I just added some products in the store and saved a condition that uses Product age LessThan 72 and no products had ribbons added... In the example 72 are HOURS ? Right ?
When I change to GreaterThan then ribbons appears on all my products.

Its so simple but I cannot make work as expected... Its frustrating...

Please help me and sorry for my bad english! I'm from Brazil.

Hi rsolani,

It is very strange. We have tested this and it works just fine.
Are you sure, that you just added the products?
Try coping a product (thus creating a new product) and try the condition again. Also the condition type should be ProductAgeHours, which means, that the value is in hours.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

mstuart wrote:

Hi mstuart

We are aware of the performance issue of the Ajax Filters plugin. It appears when you have more than a thousand products with many specification and attribute options in a single category. At the moment we are working on improving the performance of the filters and we will let you know as soon as we are ready.

It is a good suggestion to add "apply"  button to the filters to apply a selection. Can you please add this to our User voice portal, so that other clients can see it and vote.

For the moment I suggest to reduce the number of products in a category to 200-300 and not include products from subcategories.

Best wishes,

Ivan Stoyanov

With the release of Nop Ajax Filter 3.0, has the performance issues been fixed?

Hi mstuart,

We are happy to announce, that the performance issues with the Nop Ajax Filters plugin has been fixed. Now the plugin is very fast. Also we have configured it to work on manufacturer pages.
To use the new features, you need to download the package from our website, replace the Nop Ajax Filters and Core plugins and re-install the Nop Ajax Filters plugin.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

pctech wrote:
I had the same problem, and I don't think it is a permissions issue. It happened when I deleted a duplicate image I had inserted into the slider... Uninstalling and reinstalling isn't a real solution to this problem. It blows out all your sliders, and then you have to put them all back in. God forbid you don't have the original image files somewhere, because if you don't you will have to create them all over again.

Check out the first line in the error:
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: picture at Nop.Services.Media.PictureService.LoadPictureBinary(Picture picture, Boolean fromDb)

There is a null reference there. Obviously something was orphaned in the DB. Uninstalling the sliders blows out the tables. Otherwise, your sliders would come back when you reinstall...

Maybe you should look a little further into this one?

Hi pctech,

You are absolutely right. There were a problem with the sliders when you insert a duplicate image and delete it. We have fixed it in our 3.0 release.


Ivan Stoyanov

dinhvanvo wrote:
I have 75482 category. Exactly right you have too many categories but I can not remove. What should I do?
You are right. There is 75482 categories but they cannot removable. What should I do?
Sorry. My english is bad

Hi dinhvanvo,

Please read the following post and apply the fix:

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

sir_danila wrote:
hello, where can we change product page size? Default is came 4,2,8,12? I check the catalog settings i cant found it

Hi sir_danila,

To need to go to the Catalog Settings and check the Allow customers to select 'Products by tag' page size: setting. After that below this setting the 'Products by tag' Page Size options (comma separated): setting will appear. In it you can specify the different page sizes separated by comma.

Ivan Stoyanov