

3 years ago
#21351 Quote
  • 14
I'm getting errors from Google search console: "Missing field "name", Missing field "price", Either "offers", "review", or "aggregateRating" should be specified

The bug is related to nopcommerce 4.30 ( microdata was moved to a separate view, and in Emporium Theme there is a duplicate of "itemscope itemtype=""" attributes.
Files: ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml and ProductTemplate.Grouped.cshtml
Line 65: <div itemscope itemtype="" data-productid="@Model.Id">

Removing it fixes the problem.
3 years ago
#21354 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 277

Thank you for reporting this!

We will take a look at this issue and fix it in a new version of the theme.
Anton Ivanov
3 years ago
#21511 Quote
  • 11

it seem that Mega menu is not working properly. When I want to nest link on main menu, there is none.

What can be done?
3 years ago
#21513 Quote
  • 1
Hi,product export not working.What is the reason for this? What should I do?
3 years ago
#21515 Quote
  • 1570
DarioV wrote:

it seem that Mega menu is not working properly. When I want to nest link on main menu, there is none.

What can be done?

Hi Dario,

Please submit a ticket providing access to your store so that we can investigate and advise!
Regards, Team
3 years ago
#21516 Quote
  • 1570
miniminti wrote:
Hi,product export not working.What is the reason for this? What should I do?

Hi miniminti,

The product export is basic functionality in nopCommerce and is not affected by our themes and plugins. You need to check if there are any errors in the System -> Log that could help you find out what could be wrong.
Regards, Team
3 years ago
#21517 Quote
  • 11
I do not have ability to rise a ticket, because more than one year passed since I bought all your plugins and themes.
3 years ago
#21546 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 249
DarioV wrote:
I do not have ability to rise a ticket, because more than one year passed since I bought all your plugins and themes.


In order to have access to the most recent versions of any plugin/theme or receive support for any of our products, you need to have an active license.

Please renew your license and you will be able to raise a support ticket in our system again.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov
3 years ago
#21549 Quote
  • 11
todor.atanasov wrote:
I do not have ability to rise a ticket, because more than one year passed since I bought all your plugins and themes.


In order to have access to the most recent versions of any plugin/theme or receive support for any of our products, you need to have an active license.

Please renew your license and you will be able to raise a support ticket in our system again.

I am using your products for years, and I noticed that the quality of plugins and themes are air-drooping. I am almost certain that I will not order any of your product again, until I get product that is working as it should.

If I must pay for support in order to get product working, then something is really wrong in your business model.

Not only that I test your products for free, you are suggesting me that I need to pay support?

Look guys, you should be grateful that I and others with the same problems are sharing that on your forum, not on the others. I am really tired to go over and over again finding new bugs in your products that I purchased.

If you do not want to solve this, someone else will ... with software that actually works
3 years ago
#21554 Quote
  • 1570
Hi Dario,

Please note that we offer 1 year of free support as part of your product purchase and we can't afford to provide free support forever (no company in the world can).
I understand your frustration since your license has expired but we can't investigate the issue you are having without access to your store and it is not OK to share access to your store here in the forums. That is why we requested you to submit a ticket.
If you can demonstrate the issue without the need to submit a ticket please feel free to do so and we will advise.

Regards, Team