

3 years ago
#21555 Quote
  • 11
Hi Boyko,

I am not asking for support. I am reporting that your product is not working and there is obvious bug.

Since I use your porducts for several years, I noticed several things:
- there is more and more bugs in your plugins and templates
- there are no new plugins and most of them have some kind of problem
- there is 1 new template per year

I do not have time to spend searching what is wrong in your products since I am not paid for it.

If you want to give your customers good product, you should have bug report place, where we could report all thing that are not working

3 years ago
#21558 Quote
  • 1570
DarioV wrote:

I am not asking for support. I am reporting that your product is not working and there is obvious bug.

Hi Dario,

You have reported this:

"it seem that Mega menu is not working properly. When I want to nest link on main menu, there is none."

I don't think this is an obvious bug as this functionality is working fine on our side (we can't reproduce it).
Please note that many websites are using the Mega Menu plugin and we are not aware of such an issue that the plugin is not working in the scenario you have mentioned so we can't know if there is a bug or not until we manage to reproduce it. Maybe it is an issue on your side which we need to further investigate.
There are many issues that we have already been reported and fixed thanks to this forum (that we have created) and the posts from our clients and we appreciate that but in your case, we can't help you without access to your store and investigate it.
I am sorry but if you don't want to renew your license and submit a ticket providing us access to your store where you experience this issue then we won't be able to help you much.
Regards, Team
3 years ago
#21559 Quote
  • 11
Boyko wrote:

I am not asking for support. I am reporting that your product is not working and there is obvious bug.

Hi Dario,

You have reported this:

"it seem that Mega menu is not working properly. When I want to nest link on main menu, there is none."

I don't think this is an obvious bug as this functionality is working fine on our side (we can't reproduce it).
Please note that many websites are using the Mega Menu plugin and we are not aware of such an issue that the plugin is not working in the scenario you have mentioned so we can't know if there is a bug or not until we manage to reproduce it. Maybe it is an issue on your side which we need to further investigate.
There are many issues that we have already been reported and fixed thanks to this forum (that we have created) and the posts from our clients and we appreciate that but in your case, we can't help you without access to your store and investigate it.
I am sorry but if you don't want to renew your license and submit a ticket providing us access to your store where you experience this issue then we won't be able to help you much.

Ok, try to do next on Emporium Theme
- On Megamenu go to "MenuItems"
- Add Custom link Test with URL "#" to Menu and try to nest this link under "Contact Us"
- Add additional Custom link Test2 with URL "#" to Menu and try to nest this link under "Test"

Last link is not visible in Menu. When I use other Theme than Emporium, everything is OK


3 years ago
#21560 Quote
  • 11
Here you can see picture with example:!AvsqjmDfPhONjSjJRBNmYAfXfIBk?e=i2Cr4m
3 years ago
#21561 Quote
  • 1570
DarioV wrote:
Here you can see picture with example:!AvsqjmDfPhONjSjJRBNmYAfXfIBk?e=i2Cr4m

Hi Dario,

I just replicated the same Custom Link menus on our demo store and it is working fine.
Could you provide a link to the store where you have set this up so we can inspect the markup of the Menu (in case it is a styling issue for example).
Regards, Team
3 years ago
#21562 Quote
  • 11
Boyko wrote:
Here you can see picture with example:!AvsqjmDfPhONjSjJRBNmYAfXfIBk?e=i2Cr4m

Hi Dario,

I just replicated the same Custom Link menus on our demo store and it is working fine.
Could you provide a link to the store where you have set this up so we can inspect the markup of the Menu (in case it is a styling issue for example).

Hi Boyko,

as I said in my last post, MegaMenu is working on other Themes, but not in Emporium Theme. But never mind. I reorganized links, so it is not important any more

3 years ago
#21563 Quote
  • 1570
DarioV wrote:

as I said in my last post, MegaMenu is working on other Themes, but not in Emporium Theme. But never mind. I reorganized links, so it is not important any more

Hi Dario,

Sorry, I have missed your post where you mentioned the Emporium theme.

Actually, in the Emporium theme, we have forbidden the third level of menu items on purpose.
This is because the menus would go "out of the screen" since the menus are aligned on the right side of the main menu by design.
Regards, Team
3 years ago
#21564 Quote
  • 11
This forum is about Emporium Theme, so I mentioned MegaMenu and bug. As I understand, that is a feature for you :-)

It is wrong that this feature is not available. Every customer should be able to decide where to put some thing in order to organize data on web site...


2 years ago
#21849 Quote
  • 2
On checkout page when user click on remove on his card item is not working , page will be refresh but the item clicked is not removed.
2 years ago
#21852 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 249
meqbalazar wrote:
On checkout page when user click on remove on his card item is not working , page will be refresh but the item clicked is not removed.


I replied to your topic in the Nop Emporium Responsive Theme thread.

We are not able to replicate the issue, so please raise a ticket and provide us with your URL.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov