
Feature Requests

7 years ago
#12662 Quote
  • 6
Boyko wrote:

The specification attribute values are plain text (not numbers) and they can be ordered only alphabetically

Thank you for the reply, however, they are not sorted alphabetically. See attached screen shot.  If the order by is by 1st order is display order, the 2nd order by needs to be option name for those options where the order by is the same value.

7 years ago
#12663 Quote
  • 1570
Sizzler wrote:

The specification attribute values are plain text (not numbers) and they can be ordered only alphabetically

Thank you for the reply, however, they are not sorted alphabetically. See attached screen shot.  If the order by is by 1st order is display order, the 2nd order by needs to be option name for those options where the order by is the same value.

Hi Sizzler,

Yes, I know that they are not ordered alphabetically. I said that "they can be ordered only alphabetically" not that they are. They are ordered by display order which you are able to control from the nopCommerce administration. Alphabetically doesn't make much sense in most of the cases so you should setup the display order correctly.

Anyway thank you for your suggestion!
Regards, Team
3 years ago
#21470 Quote
  • 182
Hi i just looking on and have one sugestion.

Now Ajax filter price we can set only by "slide"... below we see value 300 $ but can't click there and write max / min price.

Maybe it's possible to make change and not only slide, but also give possibility to write max / min price via keybord. Sometimes (on mobile) it's easier than slide to the correct price range.
3 years ago
#21473 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 249
jakubz wrote:
Hi i just looking on and have one sugestion.

Now Ajax filter price we can set only by "slide"... below we see value 300 $ but can't click there and write max / min price.

Maybe it's possible to make change and not only slide, but also give possibility to write max / min price via keybord. Sometimes (on mobile) it's easier than slide to the correct price range.


Thank you for your suggestion!

I will provide your feedback to our seniors so they can discuss it on their next meeting.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov
[email protected]
one year ago
#22178 Quote
  • 3
Searching for part of SKU.
It would be nice if we are able to search by only part of SKU.