

11 years ago
#2355 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
Please write here if you have any problems with the Nop Customer Reminders plugin.
11 years ago
#2368 Quote
  • 12
The scheduled task does not seem to be running? Last start date, Last end date, and Last success date are all blank. I have restarted the application, iis reset, etc. but no luck. Any suggestions?
11 years ago
#2369 Quote
  • 1570
activeforever wrote:
The scheduled task does not seem to be running? Last start date, Last end date, and Last success date are all blank. I have restarted the application, iis reset, etc. but no luck. Any suggestions?

Hi activeforever,

Please check if the scheduled task is enabled and that you have an interval set.What interval do you have set now? Please note that the interval is in seconds, so you can specify 600 for example to make it run every 10 minutes, so that you can test it (in production it should be set to something like 86400 for example).
Then you need to restart the application.

Regards, Team
11 years ago
#2370 Quote
  • 12
It is enabled and set at the default 60 seconds. Stop on error is not enabled. It is called the 'Customer Reminders Task' correct?
11 years ago
#2371 Quote
  • 1570
activeforever wrote:
It is enabled and set at the default 60 seconds. Stop on error is not enabled. It is called the 'Customer Reminders Task' correct?

Yes, that is the correct task and setup.
Could you send us an emal with login credentials to your web site, so that we can take a look?

Regards, Team
11 years ago
#2372 Quote
  • 12
What exactly are you going to look at? I can setup a new role with access to what you need. Management will not allow me to give you full admin access. I am very savvy around Nop, can you describe what you are looking for maybe?
11 years ago
#2373 Quote
  • 1570
activeforever wrote:
What exactly are you going to look at? I can setup a new role with access to what you need. Management will not allow me to give you full admin access. I am very savvy around Nop, can you describe what you are looking for maybe?

Hi activeforever,

We understant your situation but without access we can't do much. Could you at least check for any errors in the Log that might be related to the scheduled task and the reminders.

Regards, Team
11 years ago
#2374 Quote
  • 12
I have been monitoring the log and do not see any errors related to that task at all. As I stated earlier, the Last start date column is empty, suggesting to me that the task is not even being executed in the first place.

Now that I think of I may not have updated the core plug in when I added this plugin (I have other plugins from you previously installed). Might that have something to do with it?
11 years ago
#2375 Quote
  • 1570
activeforever wrote:
I have been monitoring the log and do not see any errors related to that task at all. As I stated earlier, the Last start date column is empty, suggesting to me that the task is not even being executed in the first place.

Now that I think of I may not have updated the core plug in when I added this plugin (I have other plugins from you previously installed). Might that have something to do with it?

Hi activeforever,

Yes, you need to use the Core plugin that comes with the Customer Reminders plugin.
Also it might be a good idea to install the Reminders plugin to some local machine and play with them first before installing them on a production server as the plugin sends emails with email templates that I guess you will want to test first.
I would suggest to download the zip package, which contains the very latest version of the plugin and use them.

Regards, Team
11 years ago
#2376 Quote
  • 12
We have installed them on a test server, are kidding me?! They worked fine there. I will update the core plugin and get back to you. Thanks!