
Feature Requests

8 years ago
#11971 Quote
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Help make Nop-Templates products better. Share your ideas or feature requests related to the Nop Pavilion Theme for nopCommerce.
8 years ago
#12343 Quote
  • 27
Hi there...
We have a problem with the theme and I wonder if it's possible to fix it.
We have a multi site installation, where the main site is using default theme and another one is running Pavilion. The problem is that product categories should have different images on these two sites. They also have different sizes and it looks a bit weird on the site with Pavilion theme. Ans we really need different images for categories, it's not just the size issue. We have category routers for example, and we need to show different router as category image so we don't have wrong brand product on any of those sites (it will be 4-5 different sites eventually).

So how can it be done? Is it possible to make category information different on a site basis?
Thanx in advance,
8 years ago
#12345 Quote
  • 1570
Damir wrote:
Hi there...
We have a problem with the theme and I wonder if it's possible to fix it.
We have a multi site installation, where the main site is using default theme and another one is running Pavilion. The problem is that product categories should have different images on these two sites. They also have different sizes and it looks a bit weird on the site with Pavilion theme. Ans we really need different images for categories, it's not just the size issue. We have category routers for example, and we need to show different router as category image so we don't have wrong brand product on any of those sites (it will be 4-5 different sites eventually).

So how can it be done? Is it possible to make category information different on a site basis?
Thanx in advance,

Hi Damir,

Unfortunately the multi-store support in nopCommerce allows you to limit the whole category to a certain store but you can't have different parts of that category to be per store i.e different images per store etc.
In other words in this case (when you need to have different images) you will need to have different categories for each store.
Regards, Team
7 years ago
#12466 Quote
  • 3

I like this theme a lot, but I need to know if there are possible some changes.
First, as I move the mouse over the main categories, from top to bottom, the submenu that appears on the right side, moves downwards, according to the selected main category. The problem with this aproach is that I have at least 6 subcategories ( each with other 5-10 subcategories ) on each main category, so when I put the mouse on the bottom categories ( "Automobiles & Motorcycles" for example ) only a small part of the submenu will be visible. The rest will be below the main screen, so the client will have to scroll down in order to see it.
A better solution for this problem would be a "fixed" submenu, starting right below "search bar", no matter what main category the client selects. ( you can see this situation implemented on ).

Second, I'd rather prefer the "Search bar" to be displayed between logo and check-out cart, beacuse it would be much more visible, and all those links ( Home, manufacturers, my account, contact us, blog ) to be where the "search bar" is now. Anyways, I think "Home" button and "My account" button have no meaning for displaying, since the user can click the logo to go on home page, and "My account" is already available in the right up corner.

This being said, congrats again for the nice theme !

Waiting for your reply.
7 years ago
#12480 Quote
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  • 172
coco.m wrote:

I like this theme a lot, but I need to know if there are possible some changes.
First, as I move the mouse over the main categories, from top to bottom, the submenu that appears on the right side, moves downwards, according to the selected main category. The problem with this aproach is that I have at least 6 subcategories ( each with other 5-10 subcategories ) on each main category, so when I put the mouse on the bottom categories ( "Automobiles & Motorcycles" for example ) only a small part of the submenu will be visible. The rest will be below the main screen, so the client will have to scroll down in order to see it.
A better solution for this problem would be a "fixed" submenu, starting right below "search bar", no matter what main category the client selects. ( you can see this situation implemented on ).

Second, I'd rather prefer the "Search bar" to be displayed between logo and check-out cart, beacuse it would be much more visible, and all those links ( Home, manufacturers, my account, contact us, blog ) to be where the "search bar" is now. Anyways, I think "Home" button and "My account" button have no meaning for displaying, since the user can click the logo to go on home page, and "My account" is already available in the right up corner.

This being said, congrats again for the nice theme !

Waiting for your reply.


about the category menu popup layout - the layout you need is implemented and available via administration setting.

As for the different search location - this is a custom modification so you have to implement it yourself to achieve your desired layout.

Hristo Gospodinov
7 years ago
#12482 Quote
  • 2
I have recently began working with the Nop Pavilion Responsive Theme and it is working out great so far but unfortunately we have a large number of sub categories.(Our store currently showcases roughly 300k products) I have not been able to find a way to add the "View All" to the second tier+ categories similar to what the Nop Anywhere Sliders does. I see the setting to limit the number of shown sub categories but its not very intuitive to the user that more sub categories are present without them looking at the category navigation on the left side of the screen. Is there anyway to add a "View All" link to those views as well?
7 years ago
#12487 Quote
  • 3
hristo wrote:

I like this theme a lot, but I need to know if there are possible some changes.
First, as I move the mouse over the main categories, from top to bottom, the submenu that appears on the right side, moves downwards, according to the selected main category. The problem with this aproach is that I have at least 6 subcategories ( each with other 5-10 subcategories ) on each main category, so when I put the mouse on the bottom categories ( "Automobiles & Motorcycles" for example ) only a small part of the submenu will be visible. The rest will be below the main screen, so the client will have to scroll down in order to see it.
A better solution for this problem would be a "fixed" submenu, starting right below "search bar", no matter what main category the client selects. ( you can see this situation implemented on ).

Second, I'd rather prefer the "Search bar" to be displayed between logo and check-out cart, beacuse it would be much more visible, and all those links ( Home, manufacturers, my account, contact us, blog ) to be where the "search bar" is now. Anyways, I think "Home" button and "My account" button have no meaning for displaying, since the user can click the logo to go on home page, and "My account" is already available in the right up corner.

This being said, congrats again for the nice theme !

Waiting for your reply.


about the category menu popup layout - the layout you need is implemented and available via administration setting.

As for the different search location - this is a custom modification so you have to implement it yourself to achieve your desired layout.



Is it possible to get an user for the admin section ?

Thank you !
7 years ago
#12488 Quote
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  • 172
We turned the feature on for you, check the demo again:
Hristo Gospodinov
7 years ago
#12519 Quote
  • 3
hristo wrote:
We turned the feature on for you, check the demo again:


After buying 1 license of a theme, can I install it both on the live server and on a test server. The test version could be even localhost, or a subdomain of the live site.

Thank you !
7 years ago
#12521 Quote
  • 157
coco.m wrote:
We turned the feature on for you, check the demo again:


After buying 1 license of a theme, can I install it both on the live server and on a test server. The test version could be even localhost, or a subdomain of the live site.

Thank you !

Hi again,

Yes, you can purchase a single domain license and when placing the order just write the live domain on which you are going to host your site. The theme can be used on a dev site or even localhost without any issues.

Please let me know if you need any further information.
Best Regards,

Stefan Hristov