
Contact Us tab

8 years ago
#10760 Quote
  • 3
Is it possible to insert CAPTCHA on the contact us tab? I'm concerned about unconsolidated emails.

Also, can you customize the Contact Us Tab?

8 years ago
#10761 Quote
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Jay wrote:
Is it possible to insert CAPTCHA on the contact us tab? I'm concerned about unconsolidated emails.

Also, can you customize the Contact Us Tab?



We have decided to remove it for two reasons.

First, it is working via JS and we do not think any bot will manage to submit the contact us form. Until now we do not have any complaints about spam via this form.

Second, we are using the nopCommerce default CAPTCHA editor. Unfortunately it is using hard-coded IDs and if it happens to have more than one CAPTCHAs on the page, then both will be broken, which will result in not letting the customer to submit his request.

About the customization of the Quick Tab, you can do it via CSS. If you want to change the mark-up then you should edit this view: /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Views/ProductTab/_ProductContactUs.cshtml.

I hope this helped !
Best Regards,
Mladen Staykov
8 years ago
#10774 Quote
  • 3
Thanks for the explanation. That is fine, I can always work around it.
4 years ago
#16728 Quote
  • 4
Unfortunately i'm receiving a lot of fake Product Enquiry. I think because therisn't catcha protection. I'm using prisma template. How can i solve this problem ?
4 years ago
#20873 Quote
  • 1570
cesare.marasco wrote:
Unfortunately i'm receiving a lot of fake Product Enquiry. I think because therisn't catcha protection. I'm using prisma template. How can i solve this problem ?

Hi cesare.marasco,

Could you please submit a ticket providing more information i.e version of nopCommerce , link to your website etc. so that we can take a look and advise?
Regards, Team
4 years ago
#21204 Quote
  • 3
Has any progress been made on this. We are getting lots of spam emails because it looks like there is no recaptcha facility.

3 years ago
#21285 Quote
  • 1
This has now become a hot issue for us

All of a sudden we are getting an overwhelming number (1 every few seconds) of spam emails from the contact us tab on the product page.

I have disabled the tab but am still getting the emails.

What's the fastest way for me to stop this?
3 years ago
#21291 Quote
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MattHobson wrote:
Has any progress been made on this. We are getting lots of spam emails because it looks like there is no recaptcha facility.


marc1b wrote:
This has now become a hot issue for us

All of a sudden we are getting an overwhelming number (1 every few seconds) of spam emails from the contact us tab on the product page.

I have disabled the tab but am still getting the emails.

What's the fastest way for me to stop this?


Thank you for contacting us!

We have decided to add reCaptcha check on the Contact us Quick Tab. It should be implemented in the upcoming days.

Do not hesitate to let us know if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov
[email protected]
2 years ago
#21879 Quote
  • 4
Good Day

We are using this plugin on more than 100 of our client websites. The reCAPTCHA on the Quick Tabs "Contact us" section is missing. We getting 100's of spam coming through due to this.
How do we re-enable reCAPTCHA for this plugin?
2 years ago
#21880 Quote
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  • 249
[email protected] wrote:
Good Day

We are using this plugin on more than 100 of our client websites. The reCAPTCHA on the Quick Tabs "Contact us" section is missing. We getting 100's of spam coming through due to this.
How do we re-enable reCAPTCHA for this plugin?


Since 4.2, it is now possible again and we have added the Google reCaptcha to the Quick Tabs plugin.

In order for the captcha to be enabled on the Contact us tab, you need to have CAPTCHA Enabled in the General Settings, as well as Show on contact us page enabled.

Bear in mind that v3 reCaptcha by Google is not visible on the website itself.

If you still have any trouble with enabling the captcha, please submit a ticket in our support system.
Best regards,
Todor Atanasov