
Contact Us tab

[email protected]
2 years ago
#21881 Quote
  • 4
Thanks very much Todor,

It turns out the we needed to update the quick tabs to the latest version and now it works on 4.2.

Thanks again for super support
6 months ago
#22350 Quote
  • 1
Hi there

What Message Template is the Contact Us tab using for sending the messages?
I believe it's not using the existing one and rather having its own.
Is there some way to customize the message template?
My main issue is, that the shop is a multistore setup and each store sends Messages in a different design and using different E-Mail addresses, so I need to be able to customize the the contact us message template for each store differently.
5 months ago
#22353 Quote
  • 1570
benjaminm wrote:
Hi there

What Message Template is the Contact Us tab using for sending the messages?
I believe it's not using the existing one and rather having its own.
Is there some way to customize the message template?
My main issue is, that the shop is a multistore setup and each store sends Messages in a different design and using different E-Mail addresses, so I need to be able to customize the the contact us message template for each store differently.

Hi benjaminm,

Unfortunately we do not use a message template as we simply build the body of the message directly in the controller.
Regards, Team