
Profile: Deni


User posts

8 years ago

nopnopgogo! wrote:
maybe a bug ? when you set 'Append Product Names to ...' and you browse a manufacturer/category with many pages the keywords are always that of the first page. I think it's better  to have in each page the keywords for the products presents in it.


Please explain further what exactly is your setup and what behaviour do you expect.

Thanks for your feedback !

8 years ago

hkreklame wrote:

Is there any way to add a widget zone for the ajax filter? I will do the required css changes for my new placement.

EDIT: I found the file "SupportedWidgetZones.xml" in the folder SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters. This worked fine after a rebuild of my solution.


Yes, this is the correct way to add a widget zone.

If you want to add a specific widget zone only for one of your themes, just go to the Ajax Filters plugin folder > Themes > YourTheme and add a file AdditionalSupportedWidgetZones.xml and inside it add the specific widget zone(s).
Once you change the working theme from the administration, you will see the widget zone in the drop-down with available widget zones.

8 years ago

Charlie Yeh wrote:
i want to find settings from database

but i  dont know where is  correct table

, please  help me   thank you very much


All settings are stored in the [Settings] table.

If you specify what exactly you are looking for we can point you in the right direction.

I hope this helped!

8 years ago

Mediacross wrote:
I'm creating a Category Product Collections using the Nop Smart Product Collections plugin. It works, but every time I restart the application pool, it disappear from the home page. I can still see it on the administration page, but when I click edit nothing show up.
I have repeated the process of creating it many times, but with the same results. It works until the application is running, but when I had to restarts it disappears.


Please submit a ticket and provide admin credentials to your site in it, so we can test this behaviour.

8 years ago

alibak wrote:

Wanted to set up the custom colours, but I cannot see this option in Administration -> Plugins -> 7Spikes Themes -> Nop Pavilion Theme -> Settings Additional settings. I am on nopCommerce 3.6


Unfortunately, this feature is available in 3.70.

If you do not want to upgrade your site to 3.70, you can do the following:
In 3.60 you can open the theme`s color-presets.css file and edit any of the predefined colors with your own.

I hope this helped!

8 years ago

hkreklame wrote:

I need to be able to sort size attributes in the filter. Is this possible?

At the moment my size attributes(product attributes) have the current sort order:

39, 32, 46, 43

I need it to be 32,39,43,46.


We have added the option to sort the attribute values by their display order in March. I am not sure if you are using the latest version as you have not specified it. So, please update the plugin to the latest version.

Now you can use the attributes predefined values of an attribute and sort them as you want.

I hope this helped ! 

dtkubal wrote:
Hi, Could you provide us the google api which the plugin is using.


This is the Google API which the Store Locator plugin is using: Autocomplete Search Box.

I hope this helped!

8 years ago

ehubcap wrote:
Hi Mladen, I had to take some time off due to a emergency situation.
Back to the custom tab, Is there any development paid service that you or some other developer at NopTemplates want to offer to help me with this?
I need this done to have my traction website fully operational, I feel that I'm trailblazing on this specific category so any help will be beneficial for the improvement of NopTemplatse themes.
advise on how much it will cost  and i will be providing the funds right away
Thank you
Jose Plunkett


As far as I know we do not have resources to do customization work, but I suggest you to contact our sales team for more information.

8 years ago

Marcos wrote:
Thank you so much! I'll be making the changes soon.

Is there any way to show a texture from an image instead a color box defined by RGB values?



No, this is not possible out of the box in nopCommerce.

8 years ago

ronenl wrote:
Do you have a fix on recaptcha ver 2.0 in order to validate in quicktab contact us? 


We have removed the captcha validation in previous version and currently it is not available in the plugin.

We are still looking for the best solution to add the captcha into the plugin.