
Feature Requests

8 years ago
#10740 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 389
roonz wrote:
In add product, it would be good to have an add by Product SKU , similar to the Product admin module where you can jump straight to SKU. This would make it much easier for me to add products. I have many products with similar names so the existing search capability in JCarousel for add product does not suit.


We have planned this and we will integrate it soon.

You can also suggest it in our user voice portal so you can check its progress.

Thanks for your feedback !
Best Regards,
Mladen Staykov
8 years ago
#11823 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 389
Deni wrote:
In add product, it would be good to have an add by Product SKU , similar to the Product admin module where you can jump straight to SKU. This would make it much easier for me to add products. I have many products with similar names so the existing search capability in JCarousel for add product does not suit.


We have planned this and we will integrate it soon.

You can also suggest it in our user voice portal so you can check its progress.

Thanks for your feedback !


We are happy to let you know that we have added "search by SKU" filter in our product mappings popup. It is available in v3.70.

Thanks for your feedback !
Best Regards,
Mladen Staykov
4 years ago
#16409 Quote
  • 7
When data source is custom you should be able to validate the products through ACL.
4 years ago
#20995 Quote
  • 1570
kwestground wrote:
When data source is custom you should be able to validate the products through ACL.

Hi kwestground,

We no longer support custom data source but even if we did the ACL check should be done as part of the custom data source.
Regards, Team
3 years ago
#21611 Quote
  • 182
Hi! i think data source should have some update.

Data source: bestsellers - here we should show only products on stock. Now we have situation whre first 4 products are out of stock O_O
NEW DATA SOURCE proposition: bestsellers from category.
one year ago
#22028 Quote
  • 1
Boyko wrote:
Maybe we should add Conditions to the JCarousel just like in the Sliders and Product Overrides to it just like in the Ribbons.

Is this likely to ever happen? It would make the JCarousel much more versatile.
I would use different carousels on most of my category pages but am unable to do this as one carousel doesn't work well for every category.