
Profile: IvanStoyanov


User posts

pdesignz wrote:
Hello, I have the ultimate plugin and I am using the Anywhere Slider and the MegaMenu on the homepage of NopCommerce 2.65. I also using the two column layout and the content_before widget zone that was suggested by the NopCommerce forums as the slider was being integrated with the content and not appearing before the two column layout as I wanted it to appear. Now that I switched to the content_before zone the slider appears before the two column layout, but now the MegaMenu is appearing below the Anywhere Slider. How can I get the MegaMenu to appear above the Anywhere Slider and still be above the two column layout.


Hi pdesignz,

This is a common problem in nopCommerce caused by the installation of the plugins. The problem is that the AnywhereSliders plugin were installed before the MegaMenu plugin.
To solve the problem go to the administration of your website Configuration => Plugins. Find the Nop Anywhere Sliders plugin and click the Edit link next to it. After that set the Display order value to 2.
The problem should be fixed.

Have a great day.

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

ejazmuhammad wrote:

I have just purchased the theme how to show at least 4 columns instead of three on category page

Hi ejazmuhammad.

To show 4 columns on a category page go to /Themes/Fashion/Views/Catalog/CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml
go to line 167 and change
 @(Html.DataList<ProductOverviewModel>(Model.Products, 3,

 @(Html.DataList<ProductOverviewModel>(Model.Products, 4,

PS: You need to configure the css styles of the theme and some of the plugins in order for this to look good.

11 years ago

shanexh wrote:

I have made styling modifications to the themes, also I do have several jCarousels already configured.

Can I copy everything except the themes folder, without uninstalling the plugin and re-configuring my jCarousels?



Yes you can.

The problem is that the new resources will not be installed.
You can add them manually. For example instead of "Sub Categories" for data source you will see sevenspikes.jcarousel.admin.datasourcetypes.subcategories . So just add the resource with value Sub Categories and everything will be OK. Do this for all of the resources that are not installed.

Have a great day.

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

shanexh wrote:
Would you be able to add contained categories as a data source for the jCarousel plugin?

I noticed you do have sibling categories as an option, but it would also be great to have child categories as an option.

if you want to see an example of were this would be useful to have, especially in conjunction with the mega menu, let me know and I'll send you a link to a page on my website.

PS your new website looks really good!

Hi shanexh.

Thank you! We are glad that you like our new look.

We already added data source Sub Categories in our JCarousel plugin. Please download again the package and replace the JCarousel plugin folder with the new one.

Have a great day.

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

codicezerouno wrote:
We are working on a 2.60 project with a lot of customization (at the moment we cannot upgrade to 2.65) that must run on a server with NET 4.5; we already updated nopcommerce reference to 3.4 version of Fluent Validator.

Please, coud you provide us your plugins built for 2.6 that use fluent validator version 3.4?

Hi codicezerouno.

Please read the following post on how to change the fluent validation version:

11 years ago

hanz wrote:

How can I define certain products to make use of the Customdatasource in the SevenSpikes.JCarousel.Admin.Settings.DataSourceType section ?

Thanks in advance!

Hi hanz,

Please refer to our online documentation section 2.1

You need to pass IEnumerable<ProductOverviewModel> as a data source.

Nop JCarouse
11 years ago

prodigio wrote:
is available "Nop JCarouse" for nopCommerce 2:50?

Hi prodigio.

The JCarousel plugin is available only for 2.6 and 2.65 versions of nopCommerce.

11 years ago

dinhvanvo wrote:
Net 4.5 error FluentValidation for plugin. What is new for FluentValidation.

Hi dinhvanvo.

Please read this article:

11 years ago

framedigital wrote:
Thank you Ivan.

I've downloaded the latest version (I think there was a small update to 2.65.505.5024)

I can give you further details on the behaviour with the latest version:

1. I have one category with three products and set all products as featured products in the category manager

2. catalogsettings.includefeaturedproductsinnormallists is set to true

3. The main product list will display all three products, but no filters will display, as I think the filters look for products that are not featured.

The CatalogController (\Presentation\Nop.Web\Controllers\CatalogController.cs) handles this logic around lines 1057 and line 1304 with a property called IncludeFeaturedProductsInNormalLists. Obviously I don't know how your own application runs the filters!

Hi framedigital,

We are happy to inform you that we fixed this problem. The filters had hidden setting that you had to add manually, in order for the featured products to be filtered. We replaced the setting with the catalogsettings.includefeaturedproductsinnormallists and fixed some minor issues with the filters. Please download again the package and replace the SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters and SevenSpikes.Core folders.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Have a great day.

Ivan Stoyanov

amita wrote:
Hi Ivan,

I also get this error when I click on a Manufacturer in the plugin that selects products by Manufacturer name (Nop Ajax Filters -> Manufacturers filter):

'Loading the page failed'

I was wondering if these two errors are related somehow, and any ideas on how to fix this error?

Best Regards,

Hi Amita,

Can you please send us your website url and admin credentials on support(at) so that we will be able to investigate your problem?