
Profile: IvanStoyanov


User posts

11 years ago

ssikora wrote:

Any word on this issue? I'd like to get it working on my site. Also, I have posted a bug in the bug forum if someone could look into that.


Hi Scott,

We have added the "Forum" and "About Us" links to the NopMegaMenu plugin. Go to our website and download the latest package of the Nop Jewelry Theme. Go to the Plugins folder in your website and replace SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu folder with the one in the package you have just downloaded. Go to the administration of your website and click the Restart application link located in the upper right corner. After the restart is complete go to Plugins->Nop Mega Menu->Settings and enable the Include "Forum" link: setting.

As for the bug that you have reported, we are investigating it at the moment.

Best wishes,

Ivan Stoyanov

carneno wrote:

I'm using nopCommerce source 2.65 with the nopCommerce Classic Theme.

How do you remove the original Classic Theme Header menu after installing nopCommerce Mega Menu Plugin?

Both menus appear on our website.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.


Hi Tony,

Please see the following topic:

Best regards,

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

nirmaljoseph wrote:
Hii Ivan,
i tried as you had said.even though it was successful it s seen that the entire layout changes as soon as i log in as admin,but as a customer it looks alright.
What happened with that?

Hi nirmaljoseph,

Try to configure the css file for theme.
The theme is styled to have a default nopCommerce menu in it and when you remove it, you are also removing css classes, so the style changes.

Best wishes!

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

Hi incredible,

It seems that you have copied the SevenSpikes plugins into another folder.

Go through all of your plugin folders and delete any folder, which name starts with SevenSpikes. After that go to our website, go to your account and download the package for the NopUltimatePluginCollection. Open the package and open the .zip file for your version of nopCommerce. After that extract the .zip file in the Plugins folder of your website.

When the extraction is complete, go to the administration page of your website. Go to Configuration => Plugins and click on the Reload list of plugins button.

Once the plugins are reloaded and the SevenSpikes plugins appear. First install the Core plugin and after that all other plugins.

Have a good day!

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

nirmaljoseph wrote:
I downloaded the new NOP Megamenu Plugin for my 2.65 version NOPCommerce.It works perfectly as it should.But now what is seen is that there are two menus at the top.One is the old menu and the next one below becomes the newNOP plugin menu.I tried removing the menu items .I could remove everything except the home link of the old menu.As soon as i remove it the new NOPplugin menu is also removed.
Is there a way by which i can merge the two menu's together to look as one ?

Hi nirmaljoseph,

Go to Views/Shared/HeaderMenu.cshtml and delete Html.Action("Menu", "Common").

You can also move the search box to any location you would like by calling it there like this: @Html.Action("SearchBox", "Catalog").
If you decide to move the search box you can go to Views/Shared/_Root.cshtml and remove @Html.Partial("HeaderMenu").

Best wishes!

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

shanexh wrote:

When I include manufacturers in the Mega Menu it doesn't change the title of this menu when I edit it in the manufacturers menu settings. It won't change it even when I try to edit the value in settings.xml directly.

a solution to this would be appreciated. Otherwise I will work around it manually.



Hi Shane,

Changing the value for the setting in the Settings.txt file will not work because of two reasons. The first is that the values in the Settings.txt file is used only during the installation of the plugin and the second is that the value of the manufacturers menu item is a resource not a setting. The setting is used only for certain default values, or when the resource is missing.

Anyways, changing the value for the manufacturers menu in the settings page of the plugins should work. Try to change it again, save the change and clear the cache of your nopCommerce store. The Clear cache link is located in the upper right corner in the administration.

If this does not work you can change the resource value manually. Go to Configuration => Languages => View string resources (for each language) => find the sevenspikes.megamenu.admin.settings.manufacturersitemnamevalue resource and change its value.

Have a nice day!

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

ginc2000 wrote:

Is there some pattern when it stops working?

No, I don't see any specific pattern when it stops working.

Is there something that causes it to stop working i.e some specific action you do?

I have no clue why and how it stops working. I am sorry for not being able to point to any specific direction

Are you working locally or it is installed on a web server?

We store is installed on web server.

This is the store url

Today its not working again as of writing this.

Hi ginc2000,

We can not open your website. Please fix it so we can try and find the problem with the Menu.

11 years ago

Hi verdan,

Create a copy of our view located in Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.AjaxFilters/Views/Catalog7Spikes. The copy should be located in the same folder. After that rename the view to DemoCategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines. Open it and make the same changes to it that you did to the original CategotyTemplate view to create the new Demo view.

Best regards,

Ivan Stoyanov

iqnetcom wrote:
i have the instant search installed correctly but when i begin to type text into search box it flys out the products with images below search box but also there is another flyout behind it with search results without images?
How do i shut the other one off.

Go here to see an image with red arrow showing you what i mean.

Hi iqnetcom,

Just go to the Views/Catalog/SearchBox.cshtml view and remove this code:

@if (Model.AutoCompleteEnabled)
                $(function () {
                        delay: 500,
                        minLength: @(Model.SearchTermMinimumLength.ToString()),
                        source: '@(Url.RouteUrl("ProductSearchAutoComplete"))',
                  select: function( event, ui ) {
                    return false;
                    .data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
                    var t = item.label;
                    //html encode
                    t = htmlEncode(t);
                    return $("<li></li>")
                    .data("item.autocomplete", item)
                    .append("<a>@(Model.ShowProductImagesInSearchAutoComplete ? Html.Raw("<img src='\" + item.productpictureurl + \"'>") : null )" + t + "</a>")

or disable the catalogsettings.productsearchautocompleteenabled setting.

Have a great day!

Ivan Stoyanov

11 years ago

embryo wrote:

I've been trying to edit my CategoryMenuTemplate.WithoutPictures.cshtml to have it display my categories in columns with their subcategories listed under them...but I'm not having any luck with it.

I see it is possible because Yves accomplished it on his site at

I actually thought that's what it would do by default, but not.
I think this would be a great addition to a future update of the NopMegaMenu.

In the meantime, can anyone share how this can be accomplished for me and other developers?


Hi Steve,

The easiest way to do this is to change the CategoryMenuTemplate.WithPictures view. You can remove the pictures element or add css display: none for the picture element. Yves did this for his website, so you can view his html and css code for more information.

Best wishes,

Ivan Stoyanov