
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

7 years ago

dimasrespect wrote:
I would like to suggest to extend Conditions by using CustomAttributes of product or customer. For example: when we adding new condition we can choose: Condition Type =
Customer Attribute/Product Attribute; Condition Property = <typed manually>; Operator = Equal/Not equal; Value = <typed manually>.
We have custom CRM integration with nopCommerce and some flags for products are set by using CustomAttribute in code. If we will have such functionality we no more need to edit cshtml files of theme.


Could you please suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal so that other people might vote for it too?


7 years ago

Sparky wrote:
Hello :)

When I change the "Page Title Image" in the theme settings, it updates the product category header images however topic pages/ blog/ news etc are all unchanged and displaying the default. How might I edit the image on these pages?

Many thanks,


Could you please download and update the theme to the latest version as we already fixed this issue. You can follow this article while updating:


7 years ago

joster wrote:
I checked "My Downloads" and see that I am entitled to download this version:
Is that a newer version of the plugin? Will upgrading to it fix my problem?


Yes, upgrading the plugin should fix your issue. The fix is available in the recent version of the 3.4 - 3.4.1168.22998

Hope this helps!

Okay, I will upgrade it tonight.
Can you confirm whether it is essential that I also upgrade the core plugin or not?

I recently (you may remember my support ticket) had a problem with different versions of the plugins causing problems on my website, and everything is working well, so I am hesitant to upgrade the Core plugin if not necessary.



From what I saw, it is not necessary to update the Core plugin, because the changes are only in the Reminders plugin.

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

joster wrote:
I checked "My Downloads" and see that I am entitled to download this version:
Is that a newer version of the plugin? Will upgrading to it fix my problem?


Yes, upgrading the plugin should fix your issue. The fix is available in the recent version of the 3.4 - 3.4.1168.22998

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

hristian.dimov wrote:
Is there any way to know when the contact form is sent? I need to track the event, but only IF the form is successfully sent.


Yes, there is an event when the form is successfully sent. However, this event is used also when a new review is submitted. The event is called "quickTabsRefreshedTab". Would that work for you?


This works. How would i write the function?


you can do something like this:

$(document).on('quickTabsRefreshedTab', function(){ /* Enter your code here */ });

Hope this helps!

Are you sure this method will run after the contact form is posted?

I did a alert(), but i didnt run.


yes, I'm sure. I tested it before posted it here.

Where do you place the code?


Forgot to mention that this is available only in the 3.70 and 3.80 version of the plugin. It was added on July 18, 2016, so if your NopQuickTabs product version is below 21042, you need to update the plugin ( and of course if you are using 3.70 or 3.80 ).

7 years ago

hkreklame wrote:
Is there any way to know when the contact form is sent? I need to track the event, but only IF the form is successfully sent.


Yes, there is an event when the form is successfully sent. However, this event is used also when a new review is submitted. The event is called "quickTabsRefreshedTab". Would that work for you?


This works. How would i write the function?


you can do something like this:

$(document).on('quickTabsRefreshedTab', function(){ /* Enter your code here */ });

Hope this helps!

Are you sure this method will run after the contact form is posted?

I did a alert(), but i didnt run.


yes, I'm sure. I tested it before posted it here.

Where do you place the code?

7 years ago

hkreklame wrote:
Is there any way to know when the contact form is sent? I need to track the event, but only IF the form is successfully sent.


Yes, there is an event when the form is successfully sent. However, this event is used also when a new review is submitted. The event is called "quickTabsRefreshedTab". Would that work for you?


This works. How would i write the function?


you can do something like this:

$(document).on('quickTabsRefreshedTab', function(){ /* Enter your code here */ });

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

praveennerd wrote:
I am able to install all plugins except 'Nop Product Ribbons' and 'Nop Brooklyn Theme' (the plugin). I tried restarting NopCommerce, cleaning cache, etc.

The error I am getting is "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key"

Stack trace:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) at System.Web.MimeMapping.MimeMappingDictionaryIntegrated.PopulateMappings() at System.Web.MimeMapping.MimeMappingDictionaryBase.EnsureMapping() at System.Web.MimeMapping.MimeMappingDictionaryBase.GetMimeMapping(String fileName) at System.Web.MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(String fileName) at SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.ProductRibbons.Plugin.ProductRibbonsPlugin.PnvCvOvnvPcUALbEAyG(Object ) at SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.ProductRibbons.Plugin.ProductRibbonsPlugin.MGg1PL1ky9() at SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.ProductRibbons.Plugin.ProductRibbonsPlugin.InstallAdditionalSettings() at SevenSpikes.Nop.Framework.Plugin.BasePlugin7Spikes.nEML9dQJOTImiCadmle(Object ) at SevenSpikes.Nop.Framework.Plugin.BasePlugin7Spikes.Install() at Nop.Admin.Controllers.PluginController.Install(FormCollection form)


please read this post here:

It seems that you have added additional mime type mappings in the web.config ( or in the applicationhost.config file ), which are missing some of their values. Please check it out.

7 years ago

vipul.dumaniya wrote:
can i get some reply about above error please ?? i check bin folder and  it using the correct version of the Newtonsoft.Json.dll as same is using by Nop.web in 3.8 version so i think is using by pavillion theme plugin
can you please verify it ASAP ??


Could you please tell me your product version? You can do it by going to Administration -> System -> System information -> click Show button next to the loaded assemblies and search for something like this:

SevenSpikes.Theme.Pavilion, Version=3.*.***.*****, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

I checked the references and none of the plugins in the Pavilion theme do not use the Newtonsoft.Json.dll.

Do you have any other plugins from different vendors?

Looking forward to your reply!
Hello , sorry but i am getting the same error again.
Here is the what i found in system information  
SevenSpikes.Theme.Pavilion, Version=3.8.888.22855, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed. No i don't have any third party plugin i have sevenspikes two theme 1.Pavilian and 2.ShopAll but we are using only Pavilian also i am getting this error from ajax call of pavilian theme plugin itself. on
i am getting this error only there is not any other place where i am getting this error so it means there is something wrong from plugin. But the strange things is this is dynamic sometimes happens and sometimes work. After Each restart of application either i am getting started this error or it fixed this error automatically. i mean it is dynamic by just restarting the application it started working sometimes and sometimes it started getting this error on each ajax call of above URL only. i am not getting any other place this error only on above ajax call it getting. can you please suggest what could be the issue ??


Could you please submit a ticket to our system providing a link to your site so that we can inspect the request that is made. Otherwise, it is really hard to track down the problem.

7 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Maybe it possible to add to this plugin function/button like:

Bestsellers - "show all"
New Products - "show all"

Now we have 4 or more product but can't move our client to "category" or landing page where we want create information for him?

I think something like "Collection Cyber Monday" Black Friday where we show specific product line and Client see few of them, and can click "show all" and move there where he find rest...

Is this possible? You can do this in few "way":

1. If this is category we choose form category tree / topic etc.
2. We just put there link do page where we want move client.

Of course we can check or uncheck this function. What you think?

Hi jakubz,

Unfortunately, the plugin is not designed to work in this way. Could you please suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and if people vote for it, we will implement it.
