
Profile: Boyko


User posts

11 years ago

rvbob wrote:
Just downloaded classic theme with plug-ins on my local computer

Theme has 2 columns not 3, how do i change themes to 3 columns?

If i place plug-ins in plug-in folder site will not load (error messages galore)  where do i put plugins when using local computer.  

Please refer to the documentation here.
Also make sure you are using the official nopCommerce 2.8 version from here.


11 years ago

shayt wrote:
this is my site-

Hi shayt,

I don't see anything wrong with it. When I click the right arrow the carousel moves on the right and the same for the left arrow. Am I missing something?


11 years ago

shayt wrote:
but it doesn't make sense.
when i click on the one of the arrows, i want it to scroll to the same direction even if i am using RTL theme.

can you please let me know how can i change that in the RTL theme ?
(maybe do it in a parameter so the user can choose)


Hi Shay,

I think there is some misunderstanding. Could you send us a link to your web site, so that we can take a look?


11 years ago

chenos7 wrote:

When I search I get a list of products. Each product is shown in a row, however the search result  text for each product is located on the product image, instead of text near image.

I.e. Without your fashion theme, the result is correct.

Best regards,

Hi chenos7,

Do you see this issue on the Fashion theme demo store?
Could tell us your version of nopCommerce and browser?
A live link will also be very helpful.


11 years ago

shayt wrote:

how can i change the direction of the scrolling of the JCarousel ?
when i click on the next button of the JCarousel, it goes to the other direction.
i think it because i am using RTL theme.


Hi shayt,

Yes, when the language is RTL then this is the expected behavior.
If your current language supports RTL then the JCarousel is automatically RTL enabled and that is why the direction is RTL. If you switch to a language that is not RTL then the JCarousel will have the default direction.


11 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
The simple space did fix the issue. Very strange. Thanks though.

Yes, it is a known issue related to nopCommerce and MVC. The empty space simply triggers a full cache reset in the ASP.NET temporary files, so that the newly installed plugin controllers can be discovered.


11 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
Support team,

I am getting the following error when I try to configure this plugin (see below). Any suggestions? It is causing the store to error out.

Thanks Greggory

The controller for path '/Admin/Widget/ConfigureWidget' was not found or does not implement IController.

Hi Greggory,

Please open your Global.asax file with Notepad and add an empty space at the end of the file and save it. You should be able to access the Quick View settings page from Plugins -> Nop Quick View -> Settings menu, also from the Widgets page or from the Configuration -Plugins.


11 years ago

drcomputer wrote:
I wanted to add two different product dropdowns menus on Megamenu. I have two categories namely Jewellery and Homedecor. I want to show menu as shown in picture. I need both categories should have dropdown

Please refer to the online documentation about the various options you have available in the Administration of the Mega Menu. Basically you need to uncheck the show products in a single menu option and choose the Grid template with pictures.


11 years ago

jdyer wrote:
Clearing the cache does help make sure the mega menu is showing the categories the shopper has access to but those categories seem to disappear after some time. Maybe 20 or 30 minutes... it's hard to tell for sure. Now, when logged in as a registered shopper, I no longer see the category in the MegaMenu but DO see the category in the navigation on the left. If I clear cache in Admin and view Public Store again, the category shows up in the MegaMenu. Only to disappear again randomly.

HI jdyer,

Please let me explain this in more details. The information shown in the left category navigation is cached by nopCommerce and is updated after 1 hour. The same applies about the information in the Mega Menu. This is done for improving the performance for nopCommerce. Unfortunately nopCommerce is missing a mechanism for knowing when the store owner makes any modifications on the ACL. That's why when the cache expires, it might seem random as it depends on when it has been cached, you see the updated information. You can always force resetting of the cache by clicking the "Reset cache" link on the top right in the Administration.
I hope this information is useful.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

11 years ago

cskhoo7 wrote:
Pls reply...URGENT...THANKS!!

Hi cskhoo7,

Basically our plugins are built for the specific version of nopCommerce in this case nopCommerce 2.8, so they need to be rebuilt in order to work for a modified version of nopCommerce but this will break our support line and you will not be able to get future updates and take advantage of bug fixes and improvements. We would advice you to use a different hosting provider that supports .NET 4.5.
Anyway we sent you an email to see how we can resolve your case.
