
Profile: Boyko


User posts

what is this?
11 years ago

Hi manager,

Unfortunately the links you have added do not work.
Please answer our questions above, so that we can help you effectively.


11 years ago

drcomputer wrote:
I wanted to added two categories with many sub categories. I wanted to added display two categories on megamenu. How to do it

Hi drcomputer,

Could you elaborate more on this as it is not very clear to us what exactly you want to achieve?


what is this?
11 years ago

manager wrote:
what is this?

Hi manager,

What version of nopCommerce do you use? When did you notice these? As you can see there are no problems on our Demo store. Have you made any changes to the styling of the theme? What browser did you use when you see these?
Could you send us a link to see this live in order to inspect the html and the css?
By just looking at the pictures it is very hard to know what is wrong.


11 years ago

terile wrote:
I've tried modifying the global.asax file with empty spaces as suggested, but I'm still getting the same error. Additionally, I accessed the log files and received the following message:

"Error while running the 'Keep alive' schedule task. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

Full message:

System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address) at Nop.Services.Common.KeepAliveTask.Execute() at Nop.Services.Tasks.Task.Execute()"

Hi terile,

This is definitely not an error related to the Header Menu. There should be some other errors. You can send us an email with your web site and login administration credentials and we can take a look at your log and see what is wrong.


11 years ago

drcomputer wrote:
How to add mobile no filed in contact us form.

Hi drcomputer,

You can easily add a mobile number field in the contact us form by modifying the view file:

But it you will also need to modify nopCommerce sources by changing the ContactUsModel and the CommonController logic in the ContactUsSend action method as well.
You need to have some basic knowledge of MVC and C# to do that.

Hope this helps!


drcomputer wrote:
While loading quick tab in internet explorer, I am getting following error. Pls help me to resolve it

Please check this article.

11 years ago

terile wrote:
I'm generating the following error when trying to execute the "re-load plugins List":

We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete.

Our supporting staff has been notified with this error and will address this issue shortly. We profusely apologize for the inconvenience and for any damage this may cause. You might want to try the same action at later time.

This is the same issue reported by liu698, but the resolution was never posted.

I am using NopCopmmerce 2.60 and have had success installing other plugins.
Like Liu698, my issue is with the Categories Header Menu plugin. Please advise.

Hi terile,

Please refer to this post to find the error. After installing the plugin please modify your Global.asax file by simply putting an empty space in it and save it.


11 years ago

drcomputer wrote:
I need to Hide homepage control in megamenu on homepage. I need Homepage control in other pages. How can be done

Hi drcomputer,

This will require several changes.
1. Modify the Mega Menu view and add a css class "home" to the Home page link li element.
Here is the view file:


Here is the code:

@if (Model.Settings.IncludeHomePageLink)
            <li class="home">
                <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("HomePage")">@T("HomePage")</a>

2. Create a new css file that will contain the "home" class properties.

.mega-menu .home
display: none !important;

3. Link the file in the Views\Home\Index.cshtml file.
Html.AppendCssFileParts("~/the path to your file here/homestyle.css");

This way the Home link will not be displayed only on the home page as the styles that hide it will be loaded only on the Home page.

Hope this helps!

11 years ago

gracesiswandi wrote:

I've checked the dll version for both Autofac and Telerik and I think I have the nopcommerce 2.50. The nopcommerce's system information says that the nop version is 2.65, but the dll versions is similar with version 2.50.

So I tried to install the cloud zoom 2.6 instead of 2.65. It doesn't give any error, but it doesn't show up in the plugin list either (event after I did clear cache and restart application).

Is it because the different version of 2.50 and 2.60? Do you have workaround for this?



Hi Grace,

The version of the plugin should match the version of nopCommerce. So you need Nop Cloud Zoom version 2.5 in order to install it for nopCommerce 2.5. As the 2.5 version is not included in the package as we add only the last 4 versions (2.8, 2.7, 2.65, 2.6) to keep the size of the package small, you need to send us an email at our support mail and we will send you version 2.5 of the Cloud Zoom plugin.


carlf wrote:
Many thanks for the prompt response.

Do you have any examples of how to do this?

Many thanks

best regards


Hi Carl,

Yes, you can use the EU Cookie Law popup window as an example.
Check out this view:

You need to show the dialog on click and change the "privacyinfo" topic name with the size conversion topic name "SizeConversion".

Hope this helps!