
Profile: Deni


User posts

9 years ago

rosegeng wrote:
I want Mobile and PC with same interface UI.

.  have deleted meta viewpoint

. changed configuration setting-> mobile, responsive.

but the website on mobile devices are still not right.

any instruction?



You can go to this folder: ~\Themes\Alfresco\Content\css and delete these files:
480.css , 480.rtl.css , 768.css , 768.rtl.css , 980.css , 980.rtl.css.

This is the change you need.


9 years ago

tleeman wrote:
I would like to add some pdf files to a custom tab on a Product page.  The Nop Attachments plugin adds them to different parts of the Product page depending upon the selected Widget Zone.  Would adding a custom tab as a new Widget Zone be the best way to do this?  If yes, what files would need modification?  I'm using nopCommerce 3.2, thanks.


I will show you the easiest way to do this:

First you need your QuickTabs to work without Ajax. Go to the admin site - Nop Quick Tabs > Ajax Settings > Enable ajax - uncheck it.

Next you must add a new widget zone to \Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.Attachments\SupportedWidgetZones.xml file of the Attachments.
Just add this line(you can change the name as you want):


Next you go to: \Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs\Views\ProductTab\_ProductTabsWithoutAjax.cshtml and replace your code with this one:

@** Copyright 2014 Seven Spikes Ltd. All rights reserved. (

@using Nop.Core.Infrastructure
@using Nop.Core
@using SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs
@model SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs.Models.TabUIModel
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(function ($) {
    var attachmentsTabContent = Html.Widget("quick_tabs_attachment_tab");
    bool hasAttachments = true;

    if (attachmentsTabContent == null || attachmentsTabContent == MvcHtmlString.Empty || string.Compare(attachmentsTabContent.ToString().Trim(), string.Empty, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
        hasAttachments = false;

<div id="quickTabs" class="productTabs">
    <div class="productTabs-header">
            @foreach (var tabInfo in Model.Tabs)
                    <a href="#[email protected]">@tabInfo.Title</a>
            @if (hasAttachments)
                    <a href="#quickTab-attachments-in-tab">Attachments</a>

            @* Uncomment the code below if you want to have a Tab that gets its information from a Topic. This tab will be shown for all products in your store*@
            @*<li><a href="#quickTab-ShippingInfo">@T("ShippingReturns")</a> </li>*@
    <div class="productTabs-body">
        @foreach (var tabInfo in Model.Tabs)
            <div id="[email protected]">
        @if (hasAttachments)
            <div id="quickTab-attachments-in-tab">

        @* Uncomment the code below if you want to have a Tab that gets its information from a Topic. This tab will be shown for all products in your store *@
        @*<div id="quickTab-ShippingInfo">
                @Html.Action("TopicBlock", "ProductTab", new { systemName = "ShippingInfo" })

The parts in bold are the new one.

Note that "quick_tabs_attachment_tab" exists on two lines and must be consistent on both of them.

Finally, you rebuild your solution and everything should work ! That is how you can have attachments in tab !

10 years ago

C.A.LL wrote:
Sorry, I have reviewed the changes better and there seems to be a small problem with the size of the images that appear on featured products and categories. This happens with resolutions greater than or equal to 768x1024 screen, the image does not fit the circle and the circle stands.



As far as I understand, you mean that the image is cropped by the circle. The Beauty theme is made this way by design and if you want to change this behaviour you need to change the image size.
You can change the size of the categories images by going to the admin site > Configuration > Settings > Media Settings > Category thumbnail image size. There you can change the size of the image as you like.
The size of the image of featured products can be changed in the following file:

There you will find a row like this:
@Html.Action("HomepageProducts", "Catalog", new { productThumbPictureSize = 180 }) @*changed the size of the images*@

You may change the number "180" as you want.

Hope that helped !

Text center
10 years ago

C.A.LL wrote:
I've found the method using css to modify the properties.

We are glad that you found your way through !

10 years ago

lester wrote:
'Shop by category'  doesn't seems to work still.


As you can see on our demo site, the MegaMenu works correclty in both responsive and desktop (You can download the latest package now).

Regards !

10 years ago

Darumatech wrote:
I have used the Manufacturers Menu Settings section of my theme to change the title that displays on the menu for Manufacturer.  This is not working, it continues to display "Manufacturer" as the title in the menu.


I have tested the issue and managed to change the section title without any problems. When you change the title, you must check if there is a value for the current language(not Standart), that overrides the Standart value.


10 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
I'm not create my products at hand, they are create automatically by a synchronization.
But it's normal, it's a exception but i can't do another way. Because my grouped products can have one or more "simple product"


We have fixed this issue and now when you have only one simple product in grouped, you will see the add to cart popup. The fix has been deployed and you can download it.

Best Regards !

10 years ago

cheerfulcalf wrote:
When writing reviews on product page get an error and a log:
The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'productPageId' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult RetrieveProductRibbons(Int32, Int32[])' in 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.ProductRibbons.Controllers.ProductRibbonsController'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter. Parameter name: parameters

version 3.30, no errors when ribbons aren't activated

Please, write to our support, mentioning your website and credentials for it, so we can fix your problem.

10 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have a weird problem. On the Catalog page, i can add Simple or Grouped Product.
But when i have only one simple product IN a grouped product the plugin show "It's not a simple product. You can't purchase it." whereas i've Two or more simple product in my grouped product it's work fine, in the popup i show my simple product.

Do you know why it didn't work with grouped product who contains one simple product ?


Do you have a reason to have only one simple product in grouped product. It is not expected to have such a structure, and that`s why we show this warning. You can easily show only the child product.
Please inform us if you have a particular need to have this structure and describe your case.


asanaiqcamp wrote:
Good day.

I am using Nopcommerce 3.3 and Nop Playground Responsive Theme 3.3. The previous release Nopcommerce 3.2 and Nop Playground Responsive Theme 3.2.

I faced with problems with release 3.3:

Plugin "Nop Anywhere Sliders".
Right now web site supports multiple languages (currently 2).
After adding banners for each language site, the home page they are displayed simultaneously (one for each language). In the 3.2 release was no such problem.



This problem in the Anywhere Sliders was fixed and tested. Now you can download the latest package.
