
Profile: pdesignz


User posts

Hi Evan, that seems to work but now the slider is appearing on every page and I was looking to only have it on the homepage. Are there any other solutions that I can try.


Hello, I have the ultimate plugin and I am using the Anywhere Slider and the MegaMenu on the homepage of NopCommerce 2.65. I also using the two column layout and the content_before widget zone that was suggested by the NopCommerce forums as the slider was being integrated with the content and not appearing before the two column layout as I wanted it to appear. Now that I switched to the content_before zone the slider appears before the two column layout, but now the MegaMenu is appearing below the Anywhere Slider. How can I get the MegaMenu to appear above the Anywhere Slider and still be above the two column layout.


Hello, I am using NopCommerce 2.65 and I have the Ultimate Plugins. I am using the Anywhere Sliders plugin and if I use a one column layout everything works and looks fine, but if I use a two column layout things get shifted and not the way I want them to. What  it looks like is the slider is being called as part of the main body or div/widget within that area. So when I select a two column layout, everything is getting shifted over. What I would like to have is the header section, followed by the mega menu section that I already have in place and then followed by the slider and then the body with a 2 column layout that is after the slider.  I took a look in the admin for the slider and the widget I am using is the home_page_top. Anyway to have the slider spread across the page in a single column or 100% of the page width and then followed by a two column layout would be great!

Any help is much appreciated, thanks!

11 years ago

Thanks! I see that there are additional div's (dropdown, box and title)that make it all come together

11 years ago

Do I need to apply an Id or class to the ul as when I added as is the ul section just displays as a list item and is not hidden and does not show as drop down on hover as the other section does on hover


11 years ago

If I wanted to have additional sections with dropdowns or submenus would the submenus be within the li element. Here is an example and wondering if this would work for an additional item on the menu as well as submenu when you hover over that item on the menu.

<li><a href="">Section Header</a>
<li><a href="">Submenu #1</a></li>
<li><a href="">Submenu #2</a></li>
<li><a href="">Submenu #3</a></li>


Thanks, I replaced all the dll's, cleared the cache and restarted the application. I then still received trial messages on a couple of the plugins, so I deleted the folder off the server and replaced with the new folder. Now all seems to good and all seem to be the full version now.

11 years ago

Hello, I have integrated JCrousel into my site and have replaced the default image buttons/arrows with some new ones that I have added. The new images display fine, the issue I am having is the placement of the left and right of the scrolling images. I have selected the default 3 as my template, so I can display 3 items at a time. The buttons seem to overlap the 3 images are being displayed. I have tried playing with the buttons css, with margin, padding and also the Carousel container width, the wider I go the more it shows of the additional hidden items. Is there a way for me to have have a left div for the left arrow/button, then the content and then another div for the right arrow/button? or where can I make the adjustments to move the arrows/buttons out to the edge of the container.


I have been using the trial version of the Nop Ultimate Plugins, I have purchased the full version of the Nop Ultimate Plugins and have installed the new version by moving the dll file to the server and overwriting the existing trial dll file. I have gone in and cleared the application cache and also restarted the application. I am still getting messages about running a trial version, when I had already moved the dll file from the zip I received after purchasing the product. I also tried deleting the dll and moving it directly from the zip to server. Should I delete the entire folder and uninstall from the server and then try installing again. I am not sure why I am receiving the trial messages after moving the full version to the server.


11 years ago

As I am not familiar with MVC,

Where do I get Model.ShowManufacturers and can I add a custom name here

Where do I get, ManufacturerList, Manufacturers and ManufacturersHtml

I am trying to understand, so I can see about a custom section and links.
