
Jcarousel button placement

11 years ago
#1445 Quote
  • 40
Hello, I have integrated JCrousel into my site and have replaced the default image buttons/arrows with some new ones that I have added. The new images display fine, the issue I am having is the placement of the left and right of the scrolling images. I have selected the default 3 as my template, so I can display 3 items at a time. The buttons seem to overlap the 3 images are being displayed. I have tried playing with the buttons css, with margin, padding and also the Carousel container width, the wider I go the more it shows of the additional hidden items. Is there a way for me to have have a left div for the left arrow/button, then the content and then another div for the right arrow/button? or where can I make the adjustments to move the arrows/buttons out to the edge of the container.

11 years ago
#1447 Quote
  • 1570
pdesignz wrote:
Hello, I have integrated JCrousel into my site and have replaced the default image buttons/arrows with some new ones that I have added. The new images display fine, the issue I am having is the placement of the left and right of the scrolling images. I have selected the default 3 as my template, so I can display 3 items at a time. The buttons seem to overlap the 3 images are being displayed. I have tried playing with the buttons css, with margin, padding and also the Carousel container width, the wider I go the more it shows of the additional hidden items. Is there a way for me to have have a left div for the left arrow/button, then the content and then another div for the right arrow/button? or where can I make the adjustments to move the arrows/buttons out to the edge of the container.


Hi pdesignz,

Please note that each skin has its own css file. So if you choose the default-3-items skin then you need to edit this css file:

If you don't have a folder with YourThemeName then you can create one by simply coping the DarkOrange folder and rename it. Then all your changes should go into this new folder. This way all your changes are separated and this will also improve the maintenance of your theme and subsequent upgrades much easier.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team
Regards, Team