
Profile: pdesignz


User posts

11 years ago

If I have a custom link that is not Manufacturers, how would I do this. For example, I have a category that I created (Must Have's). This is a parent category to 3 sub categories of that section. Being a category, this already displays in the category drop down. This is a category that I want to focus on and promote, so I would like to have this as a top level menu, with the three sub categories be part of the drop down for this section.


11 years ago

How can I add an additional drop down menu,  like the drop down for the categories section. This would be links separate from categories, but would like to resemble the look of the drop down menu.


I am planning on purchasing the Ultimate Plugin extension and I have been using the trial for about a week now. Is it possible to go from the trial to the full version and still retain all the changes and modifications that I made while I was using the trial version. I am trying to avoid having to make the changes again if I have to overwrite all the files that are currently there with the trial version vs the full version.


11 years ago

This worked, Thanks! Does this work only for the add to cart or can this also be applied to the add to wishlist button as well. Thanks

11 years ago

By default the Instant Search displays 5 results, I can increase this of course. If I have more than 5 products and don't necessarily want to increase the #, so I make sure that every item is listed, is it possible to have a link that would show more results. If this can be done, how could I go about doing this.


11 years ago

seems rest of content was cut off for the error
Source Error:
Line 83:                     {
Line 84:                         defaultTabTitle = T("SevenSpikes.NopQuickTabs.Client.Tabs.Specifications").ToString();
Line 85:                         defaultTabContent = Html.Action("ProductSpecifications", "ProductTab", new { id = Model.ProductId });
Line 86:                         showSpecs = false;
Line 87:                     }
Source File: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\savvi-store2\Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs\Views\ProductTab\_ProductTabs.cshtml    Line: 85

11 years ago

I am using 2.65 and have manually integrated the quick tabs to the ProductTemplate.SingleVariant.cshtml page. Everything looks good and is working fine, but when I enter content into the product's full description field, I then get the same content duplicated. It is displayed on the page in the full description area, as well as the quick tabs overview tab. If I go and disable the full description tab, I then get an error and the whole site won't load. If I comment out the description on the page, @Html.Raw(Model.FullDescription)I can then get it to work, but not sure if this is the correct method to get this to work or not.

Here is the error I get when I disable the full description in the Quick Tabs settings...

The partial view 'ProductSpecifications' was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:


11 years ago

I am using 2.65, and am trying to follow the integration guide but am not sure where to change as the code looks different than the integration guide. I am using a custom theme, so I assume that I need to do the manual integration vs the automatic.

On the product Box page, the code is a little different and am not 100% sure how to integrate.

The code is here:

<input type="button" value="@(Model.ProductPrice.AvailableForPreOrder ? T("ShoppingCart.PreOrder") : T("ShoppingCart.AddToCart"))" class="button-2 product-box-add-to-cart-button" onclick="AjaxCart.addproducttocart('@addtocartlink');return false;" />

On the product detail page, using the Product Variant template the code is also a little different than the integration guide.

This code is here and also a little unsure of where to place the code from the integration guide

<input type="button" class="button-1 add-to-cart-button" value="@(Model.AvailableForPreOrder ? T("ShoppingCart.PreOrder") : T("ShoppingCart.AddToCart"))" onclick="AjaxCart.addproductvarianttocart('@Url.RouteUrl("AddProductVariantToCart", new { productVariantId = Model.ProductVariantId, shoppingCartTypeId = (int)ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart })', '#product-details-form');return false;" />


11 years ago

I tried the NopClassic theme that I had originally downloaded from your site and that did not work and this was what I used as a basis for my theme that I am working with. I tried the DarkOrange theme and that seems to work. When I had tried to integrate manually, the items specified in the documentation did not match to what I have in my document. When I look for <div class="product-details-info">  in the page, this div does not exist. I did however find, @Html.Partial("_ProductDetailsPictures", Model) this was within <div class="product-essential">.

I am not sure if the default code has changed since you wrote the documentation, but the code is structured as this...

<div class="product-essential">
                <!--product pictures-->
                @Html.Action("CloudZoom", "CloudZoom", Model)
                <div class="overview">
                    <div id="cloudZoomWindowElement" style="position: absolute">
As you can see there is no product-details-info

I did the manual integration and now it is working great! Thanks for the help

11 years ago

What is the best way of working with the Cloud Zoom plugin. I am currently using a trial version and have been trying to use the automatic integration, but whenever I go to my product detail view and click on the image nothing happens. I am running Nop 2.65 and I checked the Configuration>Plugins and all are installed and set to true. I have tried playing with different setting, but everytime I click on the image nothing happens or zooms in. Is there anything different that I should do or check or would you recommend trying the manual integration.
