
Profile: anton_ivanov


User posts


Unfortunately, the functionalities you are looking for cannot be achieved in the Quick Tabs.
Your ideas are great, though.
Could you go over to our UserVoice and submit them? We choose the best and most voted ideas from our user voice and implement them so our users can have the products they want and need.

6 years ago


You can limit Menu Items to certain customer roles. Just go to Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Mega Menu -> Manage Menus -> Menu Items and edit your menu items by clicking the little downward facing arrow of the menu item you want to edit.
After that, you should be able to see a field called "Customer roles". You can specify the role of the customers that will be able to see that menu item.

For more information on the Mega Menu plugin checkout our documentation.

Hope that helps!

6 years ago


Thank you for suggesting this!

The fact that there is a newer version for download of a particular product doesn't mean that we made changes to that particular product. We build and release all our products for a particular version of nopCommerce (for instance 3.8 or 3.9) at once. That means that when we make changes to any of our products all of our products get rebuilt and released with a higher version number, even if changes weren't made to some of them.
We do release information about more significant updates to our products. You can see such updates either on our forum or in the blog.

That being said, though, we are working on a system that will notify our customers about all changes we make to our products. We, however, cannot tell you when that should be ready since it is in its early stages of development.

Hope that information was helpful!

Hello Samson,

We have a hard time getting a test account for Sage Pay so we could test the plugin for the issues you are having. Can you Submit a Ticket with Sage Pay (test) credentials so we can debug the code and see why this problem is occurring?

Also, the link you have provided us is the plugin for version 3.60. Have I missed something or have you upgraded the plugin yourself for nopCommerce 3.80?

6 years ago


The mega menu doesn't have the option to order the categories by name. However, after we saw your post we made changes to the mega menu plugin. Now the subcategories in the dropdowns of category menu items will order alphabetically by name if their display order is the same.

If you update your Mega Menu and make all your subcategories have display order 0, the subcategories in the category menu item dropdown will be ordered by name. This will help you not worry about display order of the subcategories.

You can check how to update a plugin in our documentation.

Hope that helps!


This option is not available in the instant search at the moment.

I would like to suggest to you another functionality that the Instant Search plugin provides:
You can limit your visible items. If the items to show in the instant search are more than the maximum number of visible items you specified, the instant search auto-complete popup will display a scroll so you can have a limited height of the popup and still have all of the products that the instant search returns.

You can achieve that by going to Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Instant Search -> Settings and making the Number of visible products setting lower than the Number Of Products setting.

Hope that helps!

6 years ago


You are correct. You should be able to specify the title of the Url that will lead to your linked profile. Can you Submit a Ticket with a link to your store and admin credentials so we can further inspect this issue?


This is done by design. If you have the first element in the search highlighted and press enter, the Instant Search will redirect you to the product details page of that product.

You can disable this functionality by going to Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Instant Search -> Settings and uncheck the Highlight first element setting.

Hope that helps!

6 years ago


You can set the "featured items" by using the Smart Product Collections plugin. You will need to create a new custom product collection from Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Smart Product Collections -> Custom Product Collections.
After that, you will have to add your tabs in the tab builder of the custom product collection and choose the "home_page_before_products" widget zone. Once done with that, you will be able to see your own featured items on your home page.

If you have the demo database of poppy you can find the featured items in Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Smart Product Collections -> Custom Product Collections by the name "Featured Items".

You can also find the @Html.Widget("home_page_before_products") in the ~\Themes\Poppy\Views\Home\Index.cshtml. I do not know of what use will that be to you. Can you be more specific about what you are trying to achieve, so we can understand and help you?

Hope that helps!


Unfortunately, at the moment you cannot show the short description of the product in a tab.

You can suggest your idea over at our UserVoice, however. We implement the best and most voted ideas, so our users can have the functionalities they want from our products.

You can achieve this functionality by doing some code modification. Edit the ~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Views/ProductTab/_ProductTabsWithoutAjax.cshtml file and on line 20 you should find the following code:

    @foreach (var tabInfo in Model.Tabs)
        <div id="[email protected]">

replace it with this:

    @foreach (var tabInfo in Model.Tabs)
        <div id="[email protected]">

            @if (tabInfo.Title.Equals("Overview"))


Note: Change "Overview" with whatever your description tab title is called if for some reason it is different (e.g. different language).
Note: You will have to uncheck the Enable Ajax setting in the Nop Quick Tabs settings in order for this to work.

Hope that helps!