
Profile: IvanStoyanov


User posts

10 years ago

Hass wrote:

I want to disable ajax when user use filter on product page.
I have a banner on home page when user click on it it will redirect to product page filtered by category and by manufacturer when user click on the banner the product page load for the specific
category then u will see the loading picture that filter for manufacturer inside that category what I want is to load the category filtered by manufacturer when the page load for the first time I don't know if disabling ajax should solve this can anyone help.


Hi Hass,

I think that I understood what you are trying to say. I guess, that you used the Ajax Filters to crate a specific filtration, copied the URL and set it as a slider picture URL. And you want not to see the loader and filtration when a user clicks on the image and gets redirected to the category.

If this is the case, it is not possible. The Ajax Filters need to filter the products for the current category in order to display them.

Best regards,

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

ylechasseur wrote:
Hi Guys,

You are probably very busy. I did the upgrade into my DB Sandbox and I have been surprise to lost all my anywhere sliders, my product tab mapping in fact all my Seven spike Adding  data after running the nop upgrade script. I Restore and try again to get the same result.
Have you seen this problem yet ?

Also you renamed the CSS and it is a very good idea (a bit more job for me, but easier to manage).

have a nice day


Hi Yves,

Everything works fine on our end. In the upgrade script we do not drop the tables or delete data from them, so there should be no reason for the data in the tables to be deleted.
Only when you uninstall any plugin with tables in the database, the tables for the plugin will be dropped.

Did you ran the nopCommerce upgrade script before you run the 7Spikes upgrade script?

Can you send us your database, so that we can investigate the problem.

Best regards

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

rgujral wrote:
Please let me know which field in css file I mean button section where I should change color on hover.

Hi rgujral

You need to change .mega-menu .title a:hover located on line 116. Please use the Inspect element option of your browser. You can see the css, html and the lines of code that you need to change.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

joster wrote:
Thanks very much for the quick response!
I backed up my database and ran the newly updated script over it, and had no errors at all.


I now get this error when trying to load the site in a browser:
\Server Error in '/' Application.

Invalid object name 'dbo.Store'.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.Store'.

Source Error:

The source code that generated this unhandled exception can only be shown when compiled in debug mode. To enable this, please follow one of the below steps, then request the URL:

1. Add a "Debug=true" directive at the top of the file that generated the error. Example:

  <%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>


2) Add the following section to the configuration file of your application:

       <compilation debug="true"/>

Note that this second technique will cause all files within a given application to be compiled in debug mode. The first technique will cause only that particular file to be compiled in debug mode.

Important: Running applications in debug mode does incur a memory/performance overhead. You should make sure that an application has debugging disabled before deploying into production scenario.

Stack Trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid object name 'dbo.Store'.]


Did we miss something?


Hi Steve,

Do you use the old database from the 2.8 version, or did you created a new database when you installed nopCommerce 3.0 and are using it? If you are using the old database, did you run the nopCommerce upgrade script?

If you want to use the old databse you can do the following:

1. Extract the source code of nopCommerce 3.0 in your website folder NOTE: you need to remove the old source code first.
2. Add our theme and plugins to the source code.
3. Copy the Settings.txt and InstalledPlugins.txt files from the App_Data folder from your old installation to the same folder in nopCommerce 3.0
4. Run the nopCommerce upgrade script for 3.0 for your 2.8 database.
5. Run the 7Spikes upgrade scrpit for your 2.8 database.

Now you can start the website and check if everything works fine.

Please try to upgrade your website again, using the steps above.

Best regards,

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

rgujral wrote:
Hi :

I would like to change the color on hover on Home Page, About Us and other buttons that we add through Mega Menu. Please let me know which field in CSS file should be touched / changed to change the hex color code.

In addition, we noticed that color changes to white when we hover to manufacturer name on the mega menu bar, I think it should be dark maroon as done for others and need to know how to fix this or was it designed this way only.


Hi rgujral,

To change the css of the Mega Menu plugin for the ShopAll theme you need to go to /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu/Themes/ShopAll/Content/ and open the style.css file.

Thank you for reporting the styling for the manufacuters. We will consider changing the color for our 3.0 release of the ShopAll theme.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

rgraham wrote:

Thanks Ivan,
I did get the Nop Cloud Zoom to function with the default theme, however, there appears to be more to the story.  There is no "Automatic Integration" selection in the settings for the v3.0 version, and the installation instructions for this version don't mention manual integration as in the earlier versions.

To get things working properly, I found it necessary to manually integrate the plugin by editing the Views\Catalog\ProductTemplate.SingleVariant.cshtml and the  Views\Catalog\ProductTemplate.VariantsInGrid.cshtml files to replace
@Html.Partial("_ProductDetailsPictures",Model)  with

Also, under the line <div class="overview"> div tag, add <div id="cloudZoomWindowElement" style="position: absolute"></div>

These are the same instructions for manual integration that were provided with earlier versions, however, the lines of code are no longer under the same div tag as before.

It is interesting to note that the "Enable Cloud Zoom as a Widget" setup had to be unchecked to prevent double (side by side) images from appearing, and using IE10 I had to go to compatibility mode to accomplish this while leaving the "Cloud Zoom" enabled.

One last comment, I seem to be finding randomly and on rare occasion that product images are being displayed as blank white areas.  This is rare and so far I have not been able to pin it down to a specific cause.

Please forgive my rambling here, and thanks for all your help.

Hi rgraham,

The Nop Cloud Zoom plugin no longer requires manual or automatic integration. The plugin now is integrated via widgets. In order for the widget integration to work you need to remove the code that you have added in the ProductTemplate views. Also make sure that the Enable As Widget and Enable settings are checked. Also please make sure, that your selector settings are the same as the ones that we show in our documentation:

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

joster wrote:

I backed up my database and ran the upgrade script over my 3.0 nopcommerce sql database as suggested, and below is a screen capture of the errors returned:

I know from previous issues with nopcommerce script upgrades that there are certain Transact-SQL statements/functions that are not supported in SQL Azure.
See below post:

Please update your script to also support SQL Azure versions of the nopcommerce database.

Hi joster,

We have make the changes to our update script to support SQL Azure. You can get the new script by downloading the package from our website. Please tell us if there are more problems.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

cheerfulcalf wrote:
Still problems with IE9 and IE10 (both desktop and metro mode).

Hi cheerfulcalf,

Can you please give us a link to your website, so that we can investigate the problem?

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

manager wrote:
What is this situation?
Updated whenever an error occurs?Please carefully review and update.

Hi manager,

Can you please check, that the Widget of the Instant Search plugin is enabled and the Enabled setting of the plugin is checked. You can do this from the administration of the Instant Search plugin.

We will investigate the problem in the search button in the forum.

Ivan Stoyanov

10 years ago

rgraham wrote:
Does the "Nop Cloud Zoom Plugin" function with the "default clean" theme that is provided with Nop Commerce V3.0.  I have installed the trial version of this plug-in and it is not functioning properly with this theme.  It was working prior to the V3.0 upgrade, however, it was using the Nop-Templates dark orange theme for V2.8.

The zoom function no longer functions (with the new theme).  After initially viewing a product image (with no zoom functioning), then choosing the home page, and subsequently returning to the product, the image is no longer displayed (Only a white square is seen in place of the image).  The problem goes away when the Plugin is disabled.  Any thoughts?

Hi rgraham,

The Nop Cloud Zoom plugin works with all of our themes and the Default Clean theme. I guess that you are using the same database, that you used in nopCommerce 2.8. The thing is that one of the settings of the Nop Cloud Zoom plugin has changed, due to the new HTML. And because you are using the same database, the setting was not changed, when you updated the plugin to the 3.0 version. To fix this problem, please go to the administration of the plugin and set the Default image container selector setting to .product-essential .gallery.

Ivan Stoyanov