
Profile: Stefan


User posts

8 years ago

Hi tamchu,

Would it be possible to let us know the widget zone that you use for the slider. If you use the home_page_main_slider widget zone the slider will look like our demo. Is this the effect you are looking for.

Looking forward to your reply.

8 years ago

Hi Richard,

Thanks for the feedback.

I am glad everything is working as expected. It may be some browser version or configuration on your machine.

In any case please let us know if you notice this to happen on other computers as well.

Thanks again.

8 years ago

Hi sedangroup,

Unfortunately you cannot achieve this functionality with grouped products in nopCommerce. Grouped products have no price which can be displayed.

You can try some workaround like adding a specification for the grouped products with name price and a value of $3,000.00 and it will be displayed with the other specifications for that product, but the price will not adjust dynamically when adding to cart the associated products.

Or for example if you do not use the short description of the grouped product, you can enter for a product description something like: "Price: $3,000.00" which will be displayed on the product page.

The other best way will be to use javascript in order to achieve that and to dynamically update a specific html element that you have added to the grouped product template, but this will require some basic js knowledge.

Hope that helps!

8 years ago

RichardS wrote:
I am having a similar issue, and I have tried to figure this out.  The sevenspikes-cloud-zoom box on the product page is set to 580 x 580 px.  Is it possible to resize it or something else to something smaller like 360 x 360?  My images are not that large, and I would like to shrink the white space so the long description and tabs are closer to the buy button.  Any help will be appreciated.

Hi Richard,

You can reduce the space for the images by adding the following styles in your admin -> plugins -> nop motion theme -> settings -> custom head styles textbox:

@media (min-width: 981px){
.product-details-page .gallery { width: 360px; }

@media (min-width: 981px) {
.gallery.sevenspikes-cloudzoom-gallery .picture-wrapper, .gallery .picture-wrapper > .picture { line-height: 240px; }
.gallery .picture-wrapper { width: 240px; }
.product-details-page .overview { margin-left: 370px; }
.gallery .picture-wrapper:only-child, .gallery .picture-wrapper:only-child > .picture { line-height: 360px; }

This will make your images 360px x 360px and will increase the space for the overview column.

Hope that helps!

8 years ago

Hi Gloria,

The DefaultClean theme has nothing to do with the Nop Lavella theme in terms of design. However if you need to add quantity to the shopping cart link just follow the instructions below:

1. In Themes\Lavella\Views\Shared\_Root.cshtml change as shown below:

@using Nop.Services.Orders;
@using Nop.Core;
@using Nop.Core.Infrastructure;
@using Nop.Core.Domain.Orders;
    var storeId = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IStoreContext>().CurrentStore.Id;
    var customer = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IWorkContext>().CurrentCustomer;
    var quantity = customer.ShoppingCartItems.Where(sci => sci.ShoppingCartType == ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart).LimitPerStore(storeId).ToList().GetTotalProducts();


The lines in bold are the added ones.


 <div class="shopping-cart-link">
      <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ShoppingCart")">@T("ShoppingCart")</a>
 <div class="shopping-cart-link-quantity">
      <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ShoppingCart")">(@quantity)</a>

The lines in bold are the added ones.

<script type="text/javascript">
    AjaxCart.init(false, '.cart-qty', '.header-links .wishlist-qty', '#flyout-cart');

The line in bold is the changed one.

2. In admin -> plugins -> 7Spikes Themes -> Nop Lavella Theme -> Settings -> Custom headstyles textbox add the following:

.responsive-nav-wrapper .shopping-cart-link-quantity { display: inline-block; }
.responsive-nav-wrapper .shopping-cart-link-quantity a { text-indent: 0; color: #888; line-height: 50px; font-size: 16px; margin-left: -20px; }

Hope that helps!

8 years ago

Hi Gloria,

There is no quantity to the shopping cart icon on mobile devices by design. Not only that but also a limitation because on mobile the shopping cart icon is a new html element that is added specifically for the theme, and when adding a product to your cart via nopCommerce's ajax cart button, this mobile shopping cart quantity will not update. This is another reason not to place a quantity for mobile devices.

However I think that this is a good suggestion that you can add in our user voice portal.

Thanks again!

Hi again,

I did have a look at your site and looks like the SevenSpikes.Core is not updated and more specifically the SevenSpikesExtensions.js file. I assume that your license had expired and that is why you are not able to download the latest version. 

If this is the case would it be possible to send an email to [email protected] so that I can send you the latest js file.

As to the fix you have made, actually I am not aware of such kind of structure. The interesting thing is that no error is thrown, but when I try that in the console I receive again the error. 

The error that you were noticing is on a place where we check against mobile device so that to disable the cloud zoom on mobile devices. Now with your fix the cloud zoom is integrated on mobile devices as well.

So if possible send us an email and we will send you the latest version of the js files which should not throw any errors.

Looking forward to your reply!

Hi again,

We haven't heard from you these days. I can suggest to update the SevenSpikes.Core plugin by downloading the package again from your My Downloads section and replace the Plugins/SevenSpikes.Core folder with the one from the downloaded package. Then load the site again and clear your browser's cache.

Please let us know when you do that so that we can see if the issue still exists.

Hi again,

I was looking at your site for some time and also noticed that from time to time the specified error is thrown. I am not sure why is that, because the js file which defines this function is present on your site.

Would it be possible to submit a ticket so that we can send you an updated versions of some of the js files to see whether this issue will occur again.

Looking forward to your reply!

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Hi again,

There was a know issue related to this error, but it was fixed a month ago maybe. Would it be possible to download the theme again from your My Downloads section and replace the folder of the JCarousel plugin with the one from the downloaded package. Then just refresh the browser after clearing its cache.

Please let me know if the issue still occurs after using the latest Nop JCarousel plugin.