
Profile: Boyko


User posts

3 years ago

denyx wrote:
Hi! I've been trying to solve this problem on my web using smart seo.
Im using 2 language in my web English and Arabic,

But when i use this Nop Smart Seo The Page Title is Detecting the Arabic Language not the default english language for the page title and description.

Please see the attach image link. I hope you can help me with this, Thanks


Please submit a ticket and provide access to your store administration so that we could further investigate this and advise!

3 years ago


Could you please submit a ticket providing access to your store so that we can check your setup and investigate it?

3 years ago

Hi guys,

We will upgrade the API plugin to nopCommerce 4.30 as soon as we have the time to do so.
Since it is a free plugin that we have contributed to the community you have the full source code of the plugin and you can try upgrading it.
Actually there is already a version of the plugin that has removed the OAuth 2 part of the plugin со you can give it a try.
Please see this issue for more information.
If this version is good then we can merge it to the official plugin for 4.30 and build on top of it.

3 years ago

yys5 wrote:
sqlserver ? mysql ? how to use NopEmporiumMegastore_4.3.bak ?

All demo databases are available only for MSSQL Server.
Here you can find instructions how to use it (for demo purposes):

3 years ago

[email protected] wrote:

We have Nop Emporium 4.0 and we are planning to upgrade directly with 4.3.
Does it create any issue?  
Does dB upgrade script will work?.
Do you have any guidelines for the upgrade?


Hi Bhavik,

Sure you can upgrade without any problems by following the instructions in our online documentation.
Simply run the upgrade scripts one after another starting from the ones for 4.10 and till 4.30 in the order they are found in the article.
And then use nopCommerce 4.30 with the Emporium theme for 4.30 pointing to your upgraded database.

Madhukar wrote:

I am trying add the themes to my code base so that i can work on my local machine with the same theme and do customization and changes as per my requirement and check it out immidetly how it looks in my UI. But so far i couldn't able to figure out how to add them to my code base and use it using Visual studio.


Hi Madhukar,

Nothing has changed in 4.30. You still need to add the Pavilion theme in the Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes folder and the plugins in the Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins folder.

oboboy wrote:
Is this theme still available for Version 3.90 Nopcommerce

Hi oboboy,

Yes, the Jewelry theme is available for nopCommerce 3.90.

3 years ago

jirwin wrote:
I attempted to set up the facebook shop using Nopcommerce 4.30.

No products show up on my facebook page and instead I see a couple of errors in the console as follows:

Has anyone encountered/fixed this issue?

- Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
- puLnu6Boe-j.js?_nc_x=k-fjsMawAWG:108 Uncaught TypeError: a.isEmpty is not a function
    at a [from isFacebookURI] (puLnu6Boe-j.js?_nc_x=k-fjsMawAWG:108)
    at a [from isFacebookishURI] (-TaJSwvYO7Z.js?_nc_x=k-fjsMawAWG:7)
    at Object._verifyWindowMessage (-TaJSwvYO7Z.js?_nc_x=k-fjsMawAWG:8)
    at Object._handleWindowMessageToParent (-TaJSwvYO7Z.js?_nc_x=k-fjsMawAWG:8)


You need to remove this line from the Web.config file:

 <add name="X-Frame-Options" value="SAMEORIGIN" />

3 years ago

cbaldo wrote:
A customer aks me to use the category shortdescription text and to shows it after the subcategories list in category page. I tried but the text is never displayed. Is there a way to satisfy this request?
The nop-commerce version is 4.10

thank you


Hi Claudio,

You should simply use the information from the category model to show the short description.
If this model is not present where you want to show it then you can use the category model factory to build it.

3 years ago

deventegrasyon wrote:
I have an e-commerce site where I use the nopcommerce infrastructure. I want to use seo module on this site. For this I bought a plugin from nop-templates. I can't use this plugin. Can you give me a video document about how it is used? Or can you teach?


I don't see any Smart SEO licenses under you account to check the version etc. but you can always refer to the documentation of the plugin or submit a ticket if something is not working for you or you are not sure.