
Profile: baloghc


User posts

8 years ago

We're having an issue with the Rich Blog post scheduling.

We had the blog post set to go live on 7/1 at 12am

but the post went live instead on 6/30 at 8pm

The start dates are different for the same post. The date on the /Admin/Blog/List page is when it actually posted, but that is incorrect. Once you click edit, the date under /Admin/Blog/Edit/158 is correct, but it did not post at that date.

Please let me know if you have any ideas as to why this is happening.

8 years ago

I'm trying to have my HTML widget show on a single product on a category page but I cannot get the configuration to work properly.

I have it set to show in the productbox_addinfo_before widget zone. I confirmed that it will show there so there is no issue when it comes to it displaying. I do not have any conditions other than the default state to be "FAIL" so that it does not show anywhere.

I then have a product override set up to override that condition. That product override is not working. I added a product there in which I do want the widget to show but it will not show only on that product. It seems to either show on all products or show on none.

Any help?

8 years ago

Awesome. Thank you.

8 years ago

Thank you! I did end up figuring it out.

I do have another question though. I continually have to override this font color with the !important tag in CSS. Where is this color declaration coming from? I was looking to remove it but I cannot find it's existence within the theme.

8 years ago

8 years ago

Where can you change the menu text color (the lime in the image) when you are hovered over a drop-down. The text is normally black, when you hover over it it turns to our teal, but when you're hovered over a drop-down it turns lime. We need to change the lime. It doesn't seem to be coming from any of the main style-sheets.


8 years ago

Someone commented this on my feature request and I thought it was also another good idea:

"Option for users to get notification when anyone post comments or reply to comments in blog."

When a customer adds a comment to a blog post, I would like to be able to reply to them and have the system send them a notification once replied to.

Right now, you are not able to direct reply to a comment. You just leave a comment below a previous one, and a customer would not know you have responded unless they stop back to the specific blog post. It would be awesome if you added a reply feature and displayed nested comments in blog comments.

8 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. So if we have a single slider that has 50 images, we can add JavaScript to the .cshtml or .js file in order to track each image individually? I wasn't sure if just the slider had an id to track by or if it was possible to do it for each image.

8 years ago

I noticed in 3.6 the sliders "title" box now allows for rich HTML, images etc. I have not been able to test it yet though. What was the purpose of making this change? We were looking to track click events on our sliders, can HTML code be placed in that box in order to accomplish that?

Thank you!

8 years ago

iliyan.tanev wrote:

This is an interesting suggestion. Can you suggest it to our UserVoice portal ?
  Sure, thank you! I created it here for those interested in the idea: