
Profile: iliyan.tanev


User posts

7 years ago


It appears your products does not have Specifications and Attributes mapped to them. On the search page, we support only those. The price range, vendors, manufacturers and on sale filters are not supported.

However, you can see that the filters are integrated. You can tell by the infinite scroll.

7 years ago


My guess is that you don't have the necessary widget zone to show the filter panels. Make sure that your theme has one of these three widget zones available on your search page or search page layout:


Also, make sure you have the right widget zone selected from AjaxFilters -> Settings in the administration.

Hope this helps!

7 years ago


If I understand you correctly you are referring to the following case:

You have a manufacturer with some products mapped to it. Then you unpublish the products mapped to this manufacturers and when you open the category page where those products should appear the manufacturer filter still appear although there are no published products for this specific manufacturer.

If this is the problem we would have to ask you to open a ticket with admin credentials to your site so we can try to reproduce it there, because locally we couldn't. If I missed something please elaborate more, maybe with screenshots or video.


8 years ago


This is an interesting idea!

Please, suggest it to our UserVoice portal.

Currently we are very busy with the upgrade so if it gets enough attention from other customers it will be planned after the 3.80 release.



We were unable to reproduce the issue. Would it be possible to submit a ticket with your site url and your product version?



Which browser are you using?

Can you check for JavaScript errors in the browser console?

Maybe it will be better to provide us with a link to your site so we can check it ourselves.


8 years ago


I see your point, but we discussed this and we decided that the way this works right know is clearer. Actually, both ways are clear, but we were unable to find an example for this on another system. Have you received a report about this or saw it somewhere?

8 years ago


The information in the address form and the address in the drop down are two different things. The  addresses in the drop down are the addresses you already have as a customer. When you select one of those addresses the information is populated in the form, but when you change something in the form you are actually creating a new address, which will be available in the drop-down when you complete your order.

That is why we can not make the information in the addresses drop down for selected address to be synced with the changes you make. Because you are actually creating a new address, not changing the existing one.

Hope this explains things!

8 years ago


The wrapper property is used on the no products found dialog.

The no products found dialog is a kendo popup window that is initialized using the nopAjaxFiltersNoProductsDialog in every template view (CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines, ManufacturerTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines, etc.).

The error you are getting can happen if you don't have div with this id (nopAjaxFiltersNoProductsDialog). Do you have custom modifications to the views? Have you created a new template view?


You have confused the category in which you should ask your question. This is related to the AjaxFilters, not the AjaxCart.

8 years ago


It is fixed and will be deployed tomorrow.
