
Ajax filters not working

8 years ago
#12392 Quote
  • 24
So, we never had problems with them until today. When they are enabled, not only they don't work but they also mess up paging of nop, which doesn't work as well. They are normally visible but they don't work. When I enter developer tools on chrome it gives me this error:
Filters.min.js:6 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'wrapper' of null. Please help! Thanks
8 years ago
#12393 Quote
  • 347

The wrapper property is used on the no products found dialog.

The no products found dialog is a kendo popup window that is initialized using the nopAjaxFiltersNoProductsDialog in every template view (CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines, ManufacturerTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines, etc.).

The error you are getting can happen if you don't have div with this id (nopAjaxFiltersNoProductsDialog). Do you have custom modifications to the views? Have you created a new template view?


You have confused the category in which you should ask your question. This is related to the AjaxFilters, not the AjaxCart.
Iliyan Tanev
Nop-Templates Dev Team