
Profile: robplayblue


User posts

7 years ago

I want to do a carousel with a Product source of BestSellers in a Category can you please explain how I would achieve this.

8 years ago

Thanks that worked

8 years ago

Can you please tell me what the model is for Description.
I'm trying to add the Shipping description to the list of Shipping methods but can't figure out what the Description Model Element is. I tried adding the following below the <div> for Shipping Details
@if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(shipping.Description))
    <div class="method-description">


10 years ago

robplayblue wrote:
I've updated to the latest version 3.3.499.11372

I did have version installed before but I still see that I'm being redirected to the Login page when I try to view the basket.

I've done more testing. It is a little improved but still not right. If the cart is empty I'm NOT redirected to the Login page and go to the cart. But if I have something in the cart I'm redirected to the Login page

Then even if I go to the administration page and remove the cart (from another PC) I can then click on the cart again.

So it seems that if I have something in the /Cart I'm redirected to the login page

10 years ago

I've updated to the latest version 3.3.499.11372

I did have version installed before but I still see that I'm being redirected to the Login page when I try to view the basket.

10 years ago

I'm using nop 3.3  is this the version you're looking for?

I downloaded the Theme on the 17th April 2014

10 years ago

I have a clean install without the motion Theme and I can play with it and move products to the cart and view the cart without ever logging in.

I have another clean install with the motion theme applied and I always get redirected to the Login page before I can view the cart.

I have the ACL set as guest enable shopping cart, I also have anonymous checkout set?

Any ideas what could be causing this?

I've stepped through the code and can't see where the redirect is happening and obviously why.

Using Fiddler I can see a request for /cart then it is redirected to /login?returnurl%2cart

Help please?

10 years ago

robplayblue wrote:
I have Category images of 310x140px as per demo but the images on the website are being scaled down to they are only taking about a quarter of the space for the featured categories

Even if I take the images from the demo to use as category images they are scaled back to take only about a quater of the 310x140px space anyone help?

10 years ago

I have Category images of 310x140px as per demo but the images on the website are being scaled down to they are only taking about a quarter of the space for the featured categories

10 years ago

Thanks for the response I understand its the way it is done and is not really an easy fix but is something that needs to be looked at in the medium term I reckon.