
Profile: hristo


User posts

abc_nopdev wrote:
Is there any way to link a product attribute to another page? So it goes to a completely different product page when you select a color, for example, rather than just selecting another image from the carousel.


No, sorry, currently there is no such functionality in nopCommerce.

7 years ago

abc_nopdev wrote:
How do I remove the RSS Feed Button that is next to the other social media icons?


if you turn the "news" off in your administration, the rss icon will disappear. If you want to have the "news" on, and just to hide the rss icon, you have to hide it with css. Just go to your "custom head styles" panel in your administration and put this code there:

.social-sharing li.rss {
    display: none;


7 years ago

jkeeler wrote:
The category menu on the home page is static and on all other pages it is not. Is it possible to have the home page category menu the same as the rest of the site or vise versa?

Hello jkeeler,

no this is not possible since the menu is implemented in two different ways on home page and on all other pages. On the other pages the menu list is a part of the header, while on home page it is not. If you want to change this you have to write your custom logic to override the default behavior of the menu and then adapt the css to the new state.



sorry for the delay, this issue is now moved to the support ticket system.


CSS problem
7 years ago

please open a support ticket and post a link to your website so we can inspect the problem.


Forestry1 wrote:
I need the custom head code to change the display of products from 3 across to 4 across. If you can help me I would be grateful. I have experimented  w/CSS but it is not formatting properly.


in this case it is better to edit your "styles.css" file instead of adding custom code in the administration. Go to the file (Themes > Alfresco > Content > css > styles.css) and look for this code:

.item-box {
  float: left;
  width: 220px;
  margin: 0 0 20px 10px;
  box-shadow: 0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
  background: #fff;
  padding: 10px;
.item-box:nth-child(3n+1) {
        clear: both;
  margin-left: 0;

When you find it, change the value of the width property from 220px to 157px, and change the nth-child target from 3n+1 to 4n+1. Save your file and clear the cache of your browser to see the changes applied.

Keep in mind that this change will affect only products in category grids. The home page featured products will remain unaffected (3 per row). Also keep in mind that with these changes applied you will not have enough space in your product boxes for additional elements anymore, like the QuickView button, etc. The space within your product boxes will be very limited.

Please make a backup of your file before making editing it, in case you want to revert your changes in the future. Also, if you need any further assistance, please open a support ticket instead of writing in the forum.


7 years ago

iva1234 wrote:
Yes, I've already bought pavilion theme and i'm wondering can I modify JCarousel somehow in source code or in administration to give him some widget zone to put him on the left side of blog posts gust like home page in pavilion.


if I understand correctly you are trying to copy the layout of the bestsellers/richblog area in Pavilion theme into another theme. Unfortunately this is not possible out of the box, but you can achieve it by implementing some custom modifications on your own.

First, the widget zone you are using for the carousel and the widget where the blog is rendered (on home page) should be "neighbor" elements in your source code (or just use the same widget for both). Also, it will be good if you wrap them together in a common parent, which will give you more flexibility when styling. The rest is only css styling.


7 years ago

We turned the feature on for you, check the demo again:

7 years ago

coco.m wrote:

I like this theme a lot, but I need to know if there are possible some changes.
First, as I move the mouse over the main categories, from top to bottom, the submenu that appears on the right side, moves downwards, according to the selected main category. The problem with this aproach is that I have at least 6 subcategories ( each with other 5-10 subcategories ) on each main category, so when I put the mouse on the bottom categories ( "Automobiles & Motorcycles" for example ) only a small part of the submenu will be visible. The rest will be below the main screen, so the client will have to scroll down in order to see it.
A better solution for this problem would be a "fixed" submenu, starting right below "search bar", no matter what main category the client selects. ( you can see this situation implemented on ).

Second, I'd rather prefer the "Search bar" to be displayed between logo and check-out cart, beacuse it would be much more visible, and all those links ( Home, manufacturers, my account, contact us, blog ) to be where the "search bar" is now. Anyways, I think "Home" button and "My account" button have no meaning for displaying, since the user can click the logo to go on home page, and "My account" is already available in the right up corner.

This being said, congrats again for the nice theme !

Waiting for your reply.


about the category menu popup layout - the layout you need is implemented and available via administration setting.

As for the different search location - this is a custom modification so you have to implement it yourself to achieve your desired layout.


7 years ago


this is the "Home Page Categories" section.
In order to have this section on your home page you have to set a few featured categories - go to the admin panel of any category (Admin > Catalog > Categories > List > Edit) and enable the option "Show on home page". Once enabled, this option will render the category on the home page.
