
Profile: todor.atanasov


User posts


Try to delete the Lucene folder of the plugin and then click the Re-index button from the Rich Blog Administration (under the Search Settings tab).

If that does not resolve the issue, please submit a ticket and provide us with the full error message.

2 years ago

ululavi wrote:
Possible malware in plugin.
An phone number “800...” is getting changes on browser display to a totally different number.
The database is not being affected the valid 800 number is still the good one in the Database.
I have tried on several browser and different Computer and the issue remains. However when I disable the theme the phone number return to normal.
Anybody have an idea?


Could you please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with the exact steps to replicate the issue, so we can investigate this?

2 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
We are planning to move to db types other than MS SQL.
I would like to check if the Venture theme for Nopcommerce 4.4 supports those DB types.
Best Regards,


We are consistent with nopCommerce and nopCommerce 4.4 supports MSSQL and MySQL.

2 years ago

danjou wrote:
H, I am using NopEmporiumTheme_4.4.420.33816

Please can you tell me if there was any major speed Improvements or bug fixes that warrant me upgrading to NopEmporiumTheme_4.4.457.33858?


Latest major differences in the performance were in 4.3 -> 4.4, where most of the methods in the theme were changed to asynchronous methods. We did this, as this is what the nopCommerce team did in nopCommerce 4.4 and we want to be consistent with the platform.

2 years ago

webproject wrote:
Hi i have a problem with product sorting and pagination. In category page es:
By default the sort order is "CreatedOn", as you can see from the dropdownlist.
If i move from another page with the pagination links the ordering is maintained, if i click the back button of the browser the ordering is lost and becomes "Position".
If i disable the Nop Ajax Filter plugin everything works correctly
Thank you for support.

Nopcommerce 3.90


Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the issue.

Please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with an example of the exact steps to reproduce the issue.

2 years ago

AmirHossein wrote:
Hi, in themes folder of this plugin is not folder named 'Prisma'. Does that mean this plugin not support in Prisma template?


This means that the plugin is not included in the theme. You can still use the plugin in any theme, however, if it is not included in one of our themes, it does not include styling for the theme in question and comes with the Default clean theme styling.

Yodew wrote:
What is the solution for this? I'm having this issue


Please submit a ticket to our support system.

3 years ago

OliviaKind21 wrote:

I've seen that Anywhere Slider can set conditions. This is a great feature for me.

I guarantee that I can display for logged-out users some specific banners in widget zone 1, and for logged-in users also in widget zone 1 other function such as "JCarousel" or "Collections of smart products" or "Sale day" ... ..

Is it possible?

"Worktime" developer, Olivia.
"you are what you do"


Yes, you can configure any plugin that has our Conditions framework, to display the data only for logged-in users. Look for the Conditions tab in the management settings of the plugin.

And for more information on the Conditions framework, please check our documentation.

3 years ago

michael.lemke wrote:

I have an anywhere slider on my home page which is spanning the entire home page. The image resolution isn't great and it makes the image look terrible, could you please tell me what the custom head CSS would be to limit the image resolution for Anywhere slider images?

Thank you,



Thank you for reaching out!

Could you please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with the URL of your store, in order for us to investigate further?

3 years ago

bfsradiocontrol wrote:
I could really use anyone's help with this.

Currently, this theme's manufacturers page displays items three (3) across, with a left side menu. What I'm looking to accomplish is to make it four (4) columns, and keep the left side menu.

For the most part, I can maneuver my way around CSS. What I'm looking for here is help on which CSS file(s) I would put the code into, so I don't break the responsive theme.

Also, I'm adding a Mega Menu to this page, but am not sure which .cshtml file that needs to go in.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Thank you for reaching out!

Just to make sure I don't mislead you, could you please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with the URL of your store, as well as some more details on your Mega menu question?