
Profile: iojvan


User posts

8 years ago

Hi, when I set up this plugin and select some widget zone countdown timer show on 4 places no meter what I do.
Is there solution for this issue? I use Nop Smart theme  


8 years ago

I just install theme and I think I have some feedback for you:

1. When I use Nop PrevNext Product plugin on Fresh Theme color presets I get blue icons for prev and next. 

2. SEO plugin crash my site until I didn't create Smart SEO Template

3. Mega Menu plugin doesn't look good if I use "Infinite categories sublist" in "Category Menu Settings". 

4. On product page Entered Quantity text and cart part overlap each other ( I use Chrome )

Hope that my observations was helpful!?

10 years ago

Can I move Newsletter and Recently viewed products boxes from right to left column. What I wont to do is transfer my theme from three column to two column layout! Is that possible?

Best regards!

10 years ago

Can I hope to get reply soon??


10 years ago

For example name of product and description doesn't change but price of the product is!

10 years ago

Hi, I use Copy product feature to enter products to store but after I realized that I still have title of product and description of first product that I use to create others.

In admin panel everything looks good titles are correct for products. I try with deleting portal and browser cache, restarting application etc. but problem is still there.

You can look my shop and example on temp address.

10 years ago

Yes, that did the trick!

Great support as always!

10 years ago

Hi, I try your solution but it didn't work.
I have Resource name: sevenspikes.themes.motion.common.featuredcategories and value: Featured Categories but still getting same message on home page LINK

I could use some assistance...

10 years ago

Tnx, great support as always!

10 years ago

What is recommended size for pictures because my category featured pictures on home page does not show good - thumbnail picture show as small. Where can I set these settings or it should be automatic?? (see my site that I'm working on:

Best regards