
Feature Requests

12 years ago
#15 Quote
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Help make Nop-Templates products better. Share your ideas or feature requests related to the Nop Smart SEO plugin for nopCommerce.
11 years ago
#1113 Quote
  • 3
Don't know if this is a request / bug or suggestion.

I am looking to buy SmartSEO and does it have functionality where the user of the admin area can define the SEO Tags for the Homepage? Currently this has to be done via the source code which is a nightmare.
11 years ago
#1114 Quote
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moiraeman wrote:
Don't know if this is a request / bug or suggestion.

I am looking to buy SmartSEO and does it have functionality where the user of the admin area can define the SEO Tags for the Homepage? Currently this has to be done via the source code which is a nightmare.

Hi moiraeman,

It is more like a feature request as the Smart SEO doesn't allow you to specify SEO tags for the Home page. Honestly this functionality should be in nopCommerce out of the box as it is some basic functionality just like the meta data for the Blog etc.
If nopCommerce doesn't plan to release this soon we can add it in the Smart SEO plugin.
You can propose it in our UserVoice portal and let the others vote for it too.
You ca get the free trial and play with the plugin and any feedback for improving it is always welcome and much appreciated.

Best Regards
11 years ago
#1115 Quote
  • 3
thanks for this I will propose it in voice. Its something that is very annoying.
11 years ago
#1116 Quote
  • 3
yes you are correct BTW meta data is not currently available for the blog or news in nopCommerce.

Will this also be something you can add to smartSEO?
11 years ago
#1117 Quote
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moiraeman wrote:
yes you are correct BTW meta data is not currently available for the blog or news in nopCommerce.

Will this also be something you can add to smartSEO?

Hi moiraeman,

Thank you for the proposal!

Yes, we can. Let's first see how many people will vote for it as it is an indication for us that it is going to be a really useful feature.

All the best,
Nop-Templates Team
11 years ago
#1165 Quote
  • 13
Currently, I'm not able to optimize my nopCommerce site overall since I must have a well-optimized Page Title for my homepage as well as the rest of the site pages.  Whatever I enter for "Default title" in the nopCommerce settings becomes the homepage Title PLUS is appended to all Category, Product, and Manufacturer pages!  Even though SmartSEO works, my search optimization is quite hindered by not being this conflict with the nopCommerce SEO settings.

Since I am the store owner using nopCommerce 2.60 with Fashion 2.60 theme, my expectation would not be that I would need to edit the source for such basic functionality.

I voted.

How long should we need to wait for nopCommerce?  This issue is affecting me every day.
11 years ago
#1176 Quote
  • 13
I'd like to proceed with editing the source for the homepage (Page Title).  Can you/someone provide instructions?  

Thank you for any help as I need to get this fixed as soon as possible.
11 years ago
#1202 Quote
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castironcook wrote:
I'd like to proceed with editing the source for the homepage (Page Title).  Can you/someone provide instructions?  

Thank you for any help as I need to get this fixed as soon as possible.

Hi castinroncook,

If you don't want the default title set in the Administration then you have 2 options.
Either simply remove the default title from the Administration or to make some modifications to the razor code, which will prevent them to be added.
Both options are basically the same but the first is much easier.
If you opt for the second option then you need to modify this file:
and change this line:


Then if you specify specific title for you home page you can edit this file:
by adding this line of code:
Html.AddTitleParts("You home page title here");

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team
11 years ago
#1268 Quote
  • 269
castironcook wrote:
I'd like to proceed with editing the source for the homepage (Page Title).  Can you/someone provide instructions?  

Thank you for any help as I need to get this fixed as soon as possible.

Hi castironcook,

We are glad to announce that we have upgraded the Nop Smart SEO plugin with Remove Default Title feature. The feature allows you to remove the default title on every page of your website.
To use the new feature, please download the latest version of the Nop Smart SEO plugin and replace it with the older version that you are using.

NOTE: The upgrade is for 2.65 version only.

Thank you for your feedback.

Have a great day.

Ivan Stoyanov
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