

12 years ago
#693 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
Please give us your feedback here if you have any problems with the Nop Shop All Theme.
12 years ago
#802 Quote
  • 2
When Items are added to the Shopping Cart, on the top right of the screen, there are two places where it is to be updated.

1.  "Shopping Cart(x)" on top line


2.  "You have x items in your shopping cart"

The second one is updated correctly and the first item is not updated.

Maybe i am doing / configuring something incorrectly.


12 years ago
#803 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
grantcs wrote:
When Items are added to the Shopping Cart, on the top right of the screen, there are two places where it is to be updated.

1.  "Shopping Cart(x)" on top line


2.  "You have x items in your shopping cart"

The second one is updated correctly and the first item is not updated.

Maybe i am doing / configuring something incorrectly.


Do you have a subdirectory on your test server?
For example ?
If so then you need to change the shopping cart mini link selector i.e .header-links a[href="/cart"] should be .header-links a[href="/subdirectory/cart"]

Please let us know if this is the problem.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team
12 years ago
#804 Quote
  • 2
Yes it is in a subdidirectory.

You are too sharp :)

Thank you for your help
11 years ago
#1360 Quote
  • 1
please, I need to know how I can download the free trial of this theme, thanks
11 years ago
#1365 Quote
  • 1570
panafoto wrote:
please, I need to know how I can download the free trial of this theme, thanks

Hi panafoto,

There are no free trials of the themes. There are free trials only for the plugins.
We can't make a free trial of the themes as a theme consists of .cshtml, .css and image files, which we can't protect.
Please don't duplicate the same posts in the other topics as all the themes don't have free trials and it is not just the Shop All theme.

Nop-Templates Support Team
Regards, Team
11 years ago
#1541 Quote
  • 4
Nice themes, but it takes times to load pages. I have checked only on demo themes!

The reason I think is whole page loads everytime you clik on any category/ subcategory or even on products?

Is this only on demo theme? Can you suggest any live website with say shopall or fashion theme.

11 years ago
#1543 Quote
  • 1570
nirav.shah wrote:
Nice themes, but it takes times to load pages. I have checked only on demo themes!

The reason I think is whole page loads everytime you clik on any category/ subcategory or even on products?

Hi nirav.shah,

Glad you like the themes!

I don't think this thread is the right place as this definitely couldn't be considered as a bug of the theme, as the site speed depends on a lot of factors. Probably general discussion thread would be more appropriate.

The server where the demo themes are hosted is located in UK.
I don't know from where you are visiting the web sites but the load time depends on your distance from the server (especially the first load).
nirav.shah wrote:

Can you suggest any live website with say shopall or fashion theme

We could not share any customers web sites based on our Privacy policy without explicit permissions from the clients. But we have asked a few clients, so for live web sites you can refer to our clients section.

Please note that in the list of clients there are stores with more than 40000 products and 1500 categories and their performance is really good.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team
Regards, Team
11 years ago
#1544 Quote
  • 4
Thanks for your reply. You can move the topics to may be General Forum. I should not have put the comments at the first place.

I will review few sites!

11 years ago
#1756 Quote
  • 3

Just installed Shop All theme and very impressed.

I've have a problem in that the images on the main slider are "fuzzy". On looking into it, I have the nivo slider size set as 960 x 334 and the images I'm uploading are the same size. However on checking the properties of the uploaded images it appears they've been resized to 600 x 208 hence the fuzziness. How do I get the slider to accept the full size images.