
Profile: SDobrev


User posts


You don't need to uninstall the plugins from the administration because if you do this you will lose all of the plugin settings.

You need only to delete the folders of the "old" version of the plugins and paste the new one as it is described here:


You should use the Core plugin provided with the Smart Product collections plugin.

If you have problems when using the "new" Core you should update your other plugins also.

For more information you can read this articles:
1. How to update a theme
2. How to update a plugin

If you still have problems you can submit a ticket.

7 years ago


We found a problem when the Pickup Point has latitude and longitude the map was not centering. The fixed packages will be uploaded to the server tomorrow (the changes are in OnePageCheckout plugin).

If I understand you correctly in addition to the centering issue you have a problem with displaying the information on the wrong pin. Could you please submit a ticket with more information and a URL to your store because we cannot reproduce this problem locally?

7 years ago


It is possible to change the default view to Satellite but you will need to edit manually the .js files.

In StoreLocatorAdmin.js, StoreLocatorAllShops.min.js and StoreLocatorShop.min.js files search for google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP and set this setting to google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE

Pager Items
7 years ago


You need to update your existing categories manually. Go to Catalog -> Categories -> Edit -> Page Size options (comma separated).

To change the default value for newly created categories go to Configuration -> Settings -> All Settings (Advanced) and search for "catalogsettings.defaultcategorypagesizeoptions".


Could you please submit a ticket and tell us exactly what version of the theme you are using?

Thank you.


Could you please submit a ticket with URL to your store so we can investigate the problem.

Thank you.

7 years ago


I answered to your ticket but I will also copy the answer here so the others can see it.

NopCommerce search engine takes into account the product to category mapping display order only if there is a "Category" specified from the Advanced search.

It is the same with the Manufacturer mapping display order. If there is manufacturer specified from the Advanced search than the products will be sorted by Display order after the search.

Here is the part of the stored procedure for the sorting:

SET @sql_orderby = ''
IF @OrderBy = 5 /* Name: A to Z */
SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Name] ASC'
ELSE IF @OrderBy = 6 /* Name: Z to A */
SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Name] DESC'
ELSE IF @OrderBy = 10 /* Price: Low to High */
SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Price] ASC'
ELSE IF @OrderBy = 11 /* Price: High to Low */
SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[Price] DESC'
ELSE IF @OrderBy = 15 /* creation date */
SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[CreatedOnUtc] DESC'
ELSE /* default sorting, 0 (position) */
--category position (display order)
IF @CategoryIdsCount > 0 SET @sql_orderby = ' pcm.DisplayOrder ASC'

--manufacturer position (display order)
IF @ManufacturerId > 0
IF LEN(@sql_orderby) > 0 SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ', '
SET @sql_orderby = @sql_orderby + ' pmm.DisplayOrder ASC'

7 years ago


Unfortunately, it is not possible to randomize the products in the JCarousel.

It will be nice to have this feature in the plugin, so could you please suggest your idea in our User Voice:

7 years ago

Hi Iva,

The Bestsellers grid that you are talking about looks like JCarousel, but it is custom code specially for the Pavilion theme. This carousel is made by Owl Carousel.