
Profile: visuasoft


User posts

9 years ago

OK I tried another user but the problem persists

you can login with:

user: [email protected]
pwd: welcome

thank you

9 years ago

Ok I disabled the setting, cleared the cache both server and client and even restarted the application. But the menu still does not render.

9 years ago

We are having issues with the mega menu. We installed all themes from the themes bundle and their plugins, but the menu is rendering incorrectly:

see for sample

9 years ago

on our site you can see at the top that the combobox of the languages does not size correctly

9 years ago

In the footer for contact details add a possibility for fax. I know it is old tech, but the customer still uses it...

9 years ago

When you try to enter an empty value for a string resource the UI shows an error and the string resource is not created. Empty values are not allowed it seems...