
Profile: Aleks


User posts

10 years ago

violabg wrote:

Thanks. So this is what was happening :

- the problem is not caused by the language list
- there was a little bug in the CSS of the theme which is now fixed.

In 480 now, no matter how many or which elements you have in the header of the theme, there won't be any overlapping with the menu.

Thank you for pointing this out, it was a serious mistake on our side!

Please, don't hesitate to write us about other issue or concerns you might have with the theme :)

Best regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

10 years ago

violabg wrote:
the link on Ajax filters (filtersGroupPanel a) should have display:block; style, so that a user can click on the whole filter row.
Right now when you mouse hover a "LI" element on the filter panel you show a rollover effect, this will trick people to think they can select a filter by pressing on the white background, but it doesn't.
It should behave like the categories filter.

We appreciate your suggestion, thank you.

Best regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

10 years ago

violabg wrote:
when you have multiple languages and you are showing them with flags, the menu bar overlaps the search bar on a screen smaller than 480px (only on the home page)

Could send us a screenshot please, because we can't reproduce this bug ?

Best regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

10 years ago

violabg wrote:
I see it works on item thumbs, but still doesn't work on features products (js carousel)

And now its fixed there, too :)

Thanks again!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

violabg wrote:
when you look the site on a small screen (<=768) the filters color square are not layout property

Its fixed now :)

Thank you for pointing this out!

Best regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

10 years ago

violabg wrote:
on iPad portrait view when the categories are collapsed the javascript doesn't work

$(this).find(".title strong").click(function () {

            var viewport = $.getSpikesViewPort();

            if (viewport.width < 768) {
                //$(that).find(".listbox").slideToggle("slow"); //instead of taking the .listbox we can take the second child of the .block element
                // as the blocks in the filters do not have the .listbox class, but filtersGroupPanel instead

should be

if (viewport.width <? 768)

1. Did you test on an actual iPad, or the iPad simulation on our demo website ?

2. Do you mean "if (viewport.width <= 768)" ?

Best regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

violabg wrote:
buttons input (sach as add to cart button) on iPad(landscape) are not styled, they appear with the system style instead of the Alfresco one.

Yes in Landscape iPad exceeds the responsive css definitions, so it displays the desktop version, unlike the portrait which uses the 980.css. Its fixed now for all resolutions.
Thank you for pointing that out and I wanna let you know that we are currently working on a solution for that particular issue - supporting larger then 980px width mobile devices like the iPad.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

10 years ago

violabg wrote:
transition don't work on safari, you should use vendor prefix

Thanks for pointing that out. Its fixed now!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

10 years ago

cyberspy wrote:

By design in the Nop Alfresco theme in the Nop JCarousel items only the details button and the title should be links pointing to the product page. There was a bug in the theme, but we have fixed that and uploaded on our site. You can download the theme again and replace the ~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel/Views/JCarousel/JCarousel.cshtml file with the one from the downloaded theme.

Please let us know if the problem still exists!

Sorted! Excellent response - Thanks

I see the responsive issue I mentioned in my second post returned after I replaced the plugin (I'd fixed it in CSS) so this has not been fixed.
Is this because you've not had a chance to review my suggestions, or I've caused another issue with my suggested changes?



Thank you for pointing out that bug. We took your suggestion in consideration and we've developed a better way for the buttons to be positioned and displayed in all resolutions both with or without a title.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions, problems or suggestions.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

10 years ago

Hi naresh,

the idea in the vertical JCarousel is this - you multiply the number of the items that you want visible by the height that's required for one item to be fully visible (depending on the settings you have enabled in the administration panel - short description, details button etc.) + around 5-10 pixels per item (you should play around with this value until it looks good to you). So in your particular situation, where you want to have 5 products and with only "item name" and "product prices" enabled, the item should have minimum height of 190px (this height is automatically generated and you should play around with the JCarousel to find it out) .
So you do this:

190px+5px multiplied by 5 items equal to 975px . This value of 975px should be applied to

.nop-jcarousel .jcarousel-clip-vertical{

    height: 975px;    


If you need anymore help, please let us know.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team