
User posts

9 years ago

I know that I made some adjustments for an upgrade (intended to be 3.3). How can I verify what version I am running?

For me, all browsers show a limited list when navigating back after a filter option is selected. Chrome is the only browser that doesn't paginate that limited list though.

You said it works for you? It resets all filters?

9 years ago

9 years ago

We are experiencing an issue in all browsers except chrome. Once a filter option has been selected, navigating back results in a none-functioning ("no results found" when trying to navigate pagination) paginated version of some results, and the reset filters link disappears.

Furthermore, it does not appear that these pagination settings are affected by the site's settings. I've changed the catalogsettings.defaultcategorypagesizeoptions  , and it makes no difference.

How can this be resolved in nop 3.30?

10 years ago

That is unfortunate... I really don't have the time that would require in the budget. Modifying the SQL query would probably solve my issues. Is that something I would be able to do? Where would I do that?

10 years ago

I've built a very custom large index store in nop 2.8. I need to upgrade the ajax filter plugin to 3.0 or higher to utilize some newer settings. Can I upgrade the plugin without upgrading nop also? I am hoping to avoid any structural changes that may occur so that I don't need to repeat work.

10 years ago

I thought that might be the case. Thanks for your help.

10 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
Right, I should have included that. I am running nop 2.80... so the page you referred does not apply to my current build.

Good to know moving forward that it has become much more flexible, but is there a solution for 2.8?

Is there a way to do this in the version I am running?

10 years ago

Right, I should have included that. I am running nop 2.80... so the page you referred does not apply to my current build.

Good to know moving forward that it has become much more flexible, but is there a solution for 2.8?

10 years ago

I can't figure out how to use this. My products are ordered by product name (as desired) before filtering, and then after filtering I think it is ordered by variant ID (I think). Is there a way to change this? Is the #products-orderby the way to do this?

Does that make sense?