
Profile: jburke


User posts

I'm trying to do the same thing with nop 3.6, latest megamenu and default theme. When adding display none to this code it also removes the category title:

.mega-menu .fullWidth.categories .box .picture img {
  max-width: 100%;
How may I remove the pictures on the Category menu template?

9 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. I guess it will not be usable for our store (I wish it was!)

To anyone else reading this, the plugin is fantastic. It just doesn't work with our customized solution so it is not an issue with the plugin.

9 years ago

I think I figured out what is causing the issue. We have automatic pricing updates based on market rates. Everytime the prices get updated the discount stops functioning correctly. All we do is update the price in the database. I'm wondering why the discount plugin doesn't just apply the discount amount to the new price..??..

9 years ago

I recently purchased this plugin. The concept is very nice! When I create a sales campaign, add a product to it, it works great for about a minute. For example, if I add a $4.00 discount and visit the product page it has the $4.00 discount. After about one minute I visit the product page and the discount is no longer $4.00 and is now $0.05. It is not the scheduling limit as my banner shows 57+ hours remaining on the campaign. No errors in my log either. Any ideas?

9 years ago

Thanks for the great support! I have tested the plugin and it now functions as expected when using the min-price condition.

9 years ago

Thanks for the prompt response. We are using Nop 3.4

If there is a need for a support ticket, I will create one...

9 years ago

When using a product ribbon with a min price condition, the condition does not use the stores primary currency. As an example if a condition is set to min price of 100 (free shipping ribbon) and a store accepts multiple currencies, it will put the ribbon on anything that is > "100" rather than items that are > $100 USD. So if something is priced at say $90 USD and the currency selector is on USD the ribbon will not show (which is correct) but if the currency selector is changed to say GBP and the price is $102 GBP it will add the ribbon (incorrectly in my opinion). Is there a way to force the condition to use the primary store currency?


9 years ago

I would like to utilize ColumnsThree on my site but it appears that the right column is not defined in _ColumnsThree.cshtml in the Smart theme it is instead 2 columns. I attempted to add it myself to no avail. Can the column be added back fairly easily? If so, please let me know how this can be achieved! Thanks!

10 years ago

I just finished upgrading our site to 3.40. When downloading Smart theme, there is a zero byte (empty) upgrade script for upgrading to 3.4. After upgrading my product ribbons nor ajax filters seem to function.

10 years ago the past versions, adding an image ribbon seemed to remove the css version automatically. I would like the option for both so I don't want to just remove the css. Am I missing something? Or has this functionality been changed in the current version?