
Limit brands in categories menu

11 years ago
#2868 Quote
  • 4
Hi, we have a list of over 500 manufacturers in our database and it would be extremely helpful to only display the ones that have products mapped to them in the menu. I can't see a way of doing this without editing the manufacturer service itself.

Do you know a way to do this in the latest version?
11 years ago
#2869 Quote
  • 1570
codestream wrote:
Hi, we have a list of over 500 manufacturers in our database and it would be extremely helpful to only display the ones that have products mapped to them in the menu. I can't see a way of doing this without editing the manufacturer service itself.

Do you know a way to do this in the latest version?

Hi codestream,

There is no such method implemented in nopCommerce to get only manufacturers that have products mapped to them, so you need to make customizations. With the Nop Mega Menu plugin you can limit the number of manufacturers that are shown to a specified number i.e 20 and then you will get a View all link that when clicked will take you to the Manufacturers page in nopCommerce that shows all of the manufacturers. I don't know why you should have a manufacturer without products(makes no sense) but you can simply not publish these Manufactures.

Hope this helps!

Regards, Team
11 years ago
#2870 Quote
  • 4
Unfortunately the Mega Menu doesn't work for us as the client wants the categories listed on the main menu bar instead of under a categories option. We also don't just want to show the first few manufacturers, but only ones with products.

The reason for having manufacturers without products is simple. When a user uploads a new product for sale they need to select the manufacturer of the product and so we need a comprehensive list to avoid allowing them to enter it themselves which would result in corrupt data and duplications. They will be doing this through a custom page so I think we will end up setting the published status for the manufacturer only once a product has been mapped to it.
11 years ago
#2872 Quote
  • 1570
codestream wrote:
Unfortunately the Mega Menu doesn't work for us as the client wants the categories listed on the main menu bar instead of under a categories option. We also don't just want to show the first few manufacturers, but only ones with products.

The reason for having manufacturers without products is simple. When a user uploads a new product for sale they need to select the manufacturer of the product and so we need a comprehensive list to avoid allowing them to enter it themselves which would result in corrupt data and duplications. They will be doing this through a custom page so I think we will end up setting the published status for the manufacturer only once a product has been mapped to it.

Hi codestream,

Thank you for the follow up. Yes the published status seems like a good workaround and no need to modify the Manufacturer service(which you should try to avoid if you want to upgrade to a newer version without too much pain).
Please note that the Mega Menu is a much improved version of the Header Menu and everything you can do with it can be done with the Mega Menu plus much much more.
The Mega Menu has a setting called "Show categories in a single menu" which you can uncheck and all the top level categories will be shown in a separate menu items. You can also choose to show the subcategories in Grid (with pictures) or in List (just like the Header Menu). There a plenty of options that we have added and you can play with them. We have explained the Mega Menu in our online documentation, so you can refer to it.

Should you have additional question we will be glad to help!

Regards, Team