
Profile: codestream


User posts

11 years ago

Unfortunately the Mega Menu doesn't work for us as the client wants the categories listed on the main menu bar instead of under a categories option. We also don't just want to show the first few manufacturers, but only ones with products.

The reason for having manufacturers without products is simple. When a user uploads a new product for sale they need to select the manufacturer of the product and so we need a comprehensive list to avoid allowing them to enter it themselves which would result in corrupt data and duplications. They will be doing this through a custom page so I think we will end up setting the published status for the manufacturer only once a product has been mapped to it.

11 years ago

Hi, we have a list of over 500 manufacturers in our database and it would be extremely helpful to only display the ones that have products mapped to them in the menu. I can't see a way of doing this without editing the manufacturer service itself.

Do you know a way to do this in the latest version?

11 years ago

That's great. For some reason I thought it would be in the compiled dll.

Indeed, you should rename it as some people would no doubt prefer the accordion option. Maybe include a .cshtml for the accordion view.

Thanks ;-)

11 years ago

Has anyone managed to display the tabs as an accordion? The JQuery UI tabs can be styled as an accordion but it also requires manipulating the HTML slightly to accommodate the different layout. I assume this is generated on the fly by the plugin so where would I go to edit this appearance?