

12 years ago
#148 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
Please report any problems related to Nop Categories Header Menu plugin here!
12 years ago
#187 Quote
  • 2
I'm new user to nopcommerce 2.20.
I just finished installion with french and chinese language pack. Everything is doing well.
I also installed Nop Categories Menu plugins and add widgets to the site is OK. But when i'm back to public site, i get http error 500.

Can anyboby give me a help?

12 years ago
#188 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
titi wrote:
I'm new user to nopcommerce 2.20.
I just finished installion with french and chinese language pack. Everything is doing well.
I also installed Nop Categories Menu plugins and add widgets to the site is OK. But when i'm back to public site, i get http error 500.

Can anyboby give me a help?


Did you follow all the steps in the documentation?
Are you saying that the error is shown only when the Header Menu plugin is installed and integrated as a widget?
If so then please delete the widget to see if the error disappears.
12 years ago
#189 Quote
  • 2
problem solved.
just re-apply step 5 (modify Global.asax) and restart IIS.

tks a lot.
12 years ago
#1342 Quote
  • 3
I've installed the categories header menu and it's working fine apart from, if you type in a search request, the dropdown instant search results show behind the header bar so you can't see the first few search results. Can this be changed?
12 years ago
#1343 Quote
  • 1570
janarro wrote:
I've installed the categories header menu and it's working fine apart from, if you type in a search request, the dropdown instant search results show behind the header bar so you can't see the first few search results. Can this be changed?

Hi janarro,

I guess this a Z-index problem. The default search results should have a bigger z-index than the header menu.
Please try to set a z-index:1001 for example on this class ui-autocomplete that is used from the default search results.
You can do this in the css file of your theme Themes\YourThemeName\Content\styles.css

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team
Regards, Team
12 years ago
#1441 Quote
  • 6
Whenever I try to install the SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CategoriesHeaderMenu plugin, the error message below is thrown.  I am able to install the SevenSpikes.Core plugin fine, however, the CategoriesHeaderMenu will throw the error below even when trying to reload list of plugins.   I do have my own custom theme, so I tried to change to DarkOrange these and re-try but it still failed.  Any insight to this would be greatly apprecaited.  Using NOP version 2.6.

System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code
  Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at SevenSpikes.Nop.Framework.MVCExtensions.RouteCollectionExtensions.AddControllerNamespacesToRoute(RouteCollection routes, String routeName, String[] namespacesToAdd)
       at SevenSpikes.Nop.Framework.Routing.BaseRouteProvider.(RouteCollection )
       at SevenSpikes.Nop.Framework.Routing.BaseRouteProvider.RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
       at Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc.Routes.RoutePublisher.<>c__DisplayClass3.<RegisterRoutes>b__1(IRouteProvider rp) in C:\Source\nopCommerce_2.60_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web.Framework\Mvc\Routes\RoutePublisher.cs:line 28
       at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action)
       at Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc.Routes.RoutePublisher.RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) in C:\Source\nopCommerce_2.60_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web.Framework\Mvc\Routes\RoutePublisher.cs:line 28
       at Nop.Web.MvcApplication.RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) in C:\Source\nopCommerce_2.60_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web\Global.asax.cs:line 43
       at Nop.Web.MvcApplication.Application_Start() in C:\Source\nopCommerce_2.60_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web\Global.asax.cs:line 86

12 years ago
#1449 Quote
  • 1570
Sizzler wrote:
Whenever I try to install the SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CategoriesHeaderMenu plugin, the error message below is thrown.  I am able to install the SevenSpikes.Core plugin fine, however, the CategoriesHeaderMenu will throw the error below even when trying to reload list of plugins.   I do have my own custom theme, so I tried to change to DarkOrange these and re-try but it still failed.  Any insight to this would be greatly apprecaited.  Using NOP version 2.6.

Hi Sizzler,

It looks like the Core plugin is not properly installed.
Please download the plugin package again from our web site and replace the plugin folders and try again. Also make sure the Core plugin is listed in the App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt file.

Regards, Team
11 years ago
#3065 Quote
  • 35
Dear Support Team,

After upgrading to nop3.1 the header menu just cover all my headers on the homepage. It's supposed to be under my other headers, but now it's on the same line so it's covered everything else. Please take a look at
Thank you for your great support!
11 years ago
#3066 Quote
  • 1570
toanhnt wrote:
Dear Support Team,

After upgrading to nop3.1 the header menu just cover all my headers on the homepage. It's supposed to be under my other headers, but now it's on the same line so it's covered everything else. Please take a look at
Thank you for your great support!

Hi toanhnt,

I don't see anything wrong with the header menu on your web site. What browser do you use? Have you cleared your browser's cache as something might have been cached?

Regards, Team