
Hyperlinks in the body of Topics Pages

7 years ago
#12579 Quote
  • 57

In the previous version 3.70 I had included hyperlinks within some of my topics pages, to direct the reader to various sections of my website. For example, under my "Sell" page that appears in the Mega Menu, the contained hyperlinks for my Selling Plan product.

To avoid having to manually change that all the time, I have tried to use the token with the page url but the hyperlink does not work. This is an example of what I have used: %Store.URL%/standard-plan, with a display as "Selling Plan". The only way it works is by copying each single hyperlink in French and in English.

Is there a better way to do that so that this updates automatically when updating to a new version of Nop?

Thanks for your feedback!
7 years ago
#12586 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 157
Hi Manon,

Unfortunately, there is no way to use some kind of tokens in the topic pages as they are plain HTML. But you can use the "/" symbol for a store URL. So instead of you can just write /standard-plan and it should work. But what is more interesting is that you need to change the links after an upgrade - how the links are changed after an upgrade. They seem to have nothing in common.

Hope that helps.
Best Regards,

Stefan Hristov