
Ultimate collection request - no ZIPs within ZIPs, detailed release notes

9 years ago
#8008 Quote
  • 18
Those of us who subscribe to the Ultimate collections (Themes and/or Plugins) need to stay current with the latest releases.  Which means lots of downloading and extracting files, expanding ZIPs, finding out what's new, what's changed, etc.

Please consider these two packaging enhancements to make our lives easier:

1) Don't place ZIPs inside ZIPs.  There's very little to gain in terms of compression, and it makes for a heck of a lot of work in unpacking the files.

2) Kindly include detailed release notes with each release of Themes and/or Plugins.  The alternative is to do a file compare with the previous version, also very tedious.

Thanks in advance for anything you can do to make this process easier!
Michael Woffenden
9 years ago
#8013 Quote
  • 1570
Hi mwoffenden,

Thank you for the feedback!

The ultimate theme collection package is getting bigger and bigger with each new theme added to it.
That is why we zip it as 19 themes x number of supported nopCommerce versions and the package gets really big in terms of size.
We plan to make some more radical changes to the downloadable packages, so that you can select a single theme and then select the nopCommerce version you use and it will download a single theme package (no zipping inside) for a specific nopCommerce version rather than all the themes. It is quite a big change in our release process, so it will take some time to be done but we are working on it to make this happen and to make your life easier. We also think to automate the release notes, so that you can see all the changes. Here is a summary of the most interesting things we did since 3.2 release.

Many thanks for your feedback! It is much appreciated!
Regards, Team