
Profile: justinhof


User posts

8 years ago

I have uninstalled and re-installed most of the plugins and that looks to have fixed the Category navigation issue. The current list view is also working now but will let you know if that changes.


8 years ago

I upgraded to 3.6 and the issue is back. Was the code moved to the 3.6 version?

Also, the CategoryNavigation for all the sites are not returning since the upgrade to 3.6

8 years ago


I downloaded the latest version for 3.50, uninstalled plugin and re-installed new version with no change for that setting of NopAjaxFiltersSettings.PrepareSpecificationAttributes. Is it in the 3.5 version? 

I have the Plugin Collection license, maybe it is not in that version?


8 years ago

I am currently setting the prepareSpecificationAttributes to true in the PrepareProductOverviewModels function, but it does not change the filtered products being returned to include the specifications.

Is it possible to do what others have done and include this within the All Settings feature, defaulting it to false, but then allowing it to be changed to True as needed?

This way I don't have to change the core Nop code and the plugin provides flexibility.


8 years ago

The theme does not load correctly when you set the view to be list by default, instead of grid. It loads the item details as a hover animation instead of block. If you filter, etc. it loads correctly. Any reason why this would be happening?

8 years ago

We seem to have an issue with the Traction theme to where it pulls in weird IP addresses or URLs not related to our sites at all for images. In some cases it will be, other times it will be URLs for sites in the middle east.

You can go to the site below and see, where images are not getting loaded and look at the source:

We have these same products and images running on two other sites without issue, so the image or product itself is not the problem:

What would be causing the theme to pull in a different URL when just using the Traction theme?


8 years ago

How can I make the top menu stick similar to other themes like Nitro? I have switched the doesDesktopHeaderMenuStick to true in the script, but this did not change the functionality of the menu.


8 years ago

Allow prepareSpecificationAttributes to be set to True so specification attributes are returned within each product. This would be similar to the PrepareProductOverviewModels function in the CategoryController class that is default to false but can be set to True.