
Profile: manishak79


User posts

Hi ,
How can i add more parameter to a query which get product list for Nop JCarousel? i.e. wanted to modify plugin. it is possible? because i did't get any code for same. what i found is
@model SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel.Models.JCarouselModel but no source code for the JCarouselModel.


please need urgent help



I wanted to modified url of social network icons i.e we have our company page on linkedin and whenever user click on linked in icon that should redirect to our company linkedin page. same for facebook and other icons.

10 years ago

hi Boyko,

It Done Thanks

10 years ago

hi Boyko,

it Done thanks :)

10 years ago

hi Boyko,

As you suggested i update my theme and  plugins now Currency dropdown is working properly but other things are mess now on home page product with big images are appear also filter is not working now. is there any other changes i have to do?


10 years ago

Hi i am using Nop 3.0 shop all theme

Currency dropdown is not working properly for shop all theme ,
whenever i change currency to US Dollar to other currency the price of products are change but dropdown list always shows US Dollar as a selected Currency.
when i change theme to default nop theme that time it is working properly

10 years ago

Hi i am using nopcommerce 3.0 my ajax filter is not working.

when i goes on category page that shows list of subcategories with filter on left side when i click on filter nothing happened just page re lode.
but when i click on any subcategory which contain list of product associated with that sub category, on that page filter is working properly.

Filters are not working when i click on parent Category(Parent Category Page).