
Profile: Alex_


User posts

9 years ago


so you are trying to make the design of the item box in "defaultviewmode: list" for mobile devices be the same as in desktop ?

Best Regards![/quote]

Not exactly, Here I'm trying to set Description layout to "left" , rather then "center" as on template.

I have set "default view mode to:  List " , and I have list all the way down to the mobile device, which is not what I looking for. So I'm trying to move image on top of item box ,when theme displayed on  mobile device, but it's not working for me yet, on a small (mobile screen ) item image still on the left and prices box and buy button getting squashed somehow on the right edge.


9 years ago

Hi ,
I would like to change a lay out of Product list   Item-box for a different resolutions , as I can see there some of them : 480 , 768, 980 , and mobile-only

I get it that I can put some code in CSS related to different sizes like 480.css or  mobile-only.css

I have written in  480.css  some thing like :


    .product-grid .item-box {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
        margin: 0;

But it's not working for me.
Would you mind to point me in the right direction , where to start.

Thank you.

10 years ago

Hi .

Have it fixed,
Just have commented flyout in a  SevenSpikesExtensions.js
and it's working now.

10 years ago

Is it way to add a Wish list button on the product list ?
I can see there is a code in _AddToCart  view:

 @if (!Model.DisableWishlistButton && Model.UpdatedShoppingCartItemId == 0)
                <input type="button" id="[email protected]" class="button-2 add-to-wishlist-button" value="@T("ShoppingCart.AddToWishlist")" data-productid="@Model.ProductId" onclick="AjaxCart.addproducttocart_details('@Url.RouteUrl("AddProductToCart-Details", new { productId = Model.ProductId, shoppingCartTypeId = (int)ShoppingCartType.Wishlist })', '#product-details-form');return false;" />

But by some reasons I cannot see this add-to-wishlist-button on the  page generated.


10 years ago


I would like to have flyout-cart open on the right side panel .

It was working for me with default theme ,
I have modified javascript and updated css styles to have it active on certain pages.

<script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                //$('.header').on('mouseenter', '#topcartlink', function () {
                //    $('#flyout-cart').addClass('active');
                //$('.header').on('mouseleave', '#topcartlink', function () {
                //    $('#flyout-cart').removeClass('active');
                $('.header').on('mouseenter', '#flyout-cart', function () {
                //$('.header').on('mouseleave', '#flyout-cart', function () {
                //    $('#flyout-cart').removeClass('active');

Would you mind to point me where is on "mouseenter" function in Motion Responsive Theme.
Because flyout-cart flickering if mouse on the flyout-cart and getting hidden  on Shopping Cart link  mouseenter ( in the top menu ) .

Thank you.

10 years ago

It was Manufacturers filter I have build in before.

Have it removed , so far there is no need in it.


10 years ago

Have it sorted.
Mine fault.

10 years ago

Hi ,
When I'm trying to add item to basket and having a spinning wheel and this error :

An exception of type 'Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException' occurred in Autofac.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor(Nop.Services.Catalog.IProductService, Nop.Core.IStoreContext, Nop.Core.IWorkContext, Nop.Services.Orders.IShoppingCartService, Nop.Services.Media.IPictureService, Nop.Services.Localization.ILocalizationService, Nop.Services.Catalog.IProductAttributeService, Nop.Services.Catalog.IProductAttributeFormatter, Nop.Services.Catalog.IProductAttributeParser, Nop.Services.Tax.ITaxService, Nop.Services.Directory.ICurrencyService, Nop.Services.Catalog.IPriceCalculationService, Nop.Services.Catalog.IPriceFormatter, Nop.Services.Orders.ICheckoutAttributeParser, Nop.Services.Orders.ICheckoutAttributeFormatter, Nop.Services.Orders.IOrderProcessingService, Nop.Services.Discounts.IDiscountService, Nop.Services.Customers.ICustomerService, Nop.Services.Orders.IGiftCardService, Nop.Services.Directory.ICountryService, Nop.Services.Directory.IStateProvinceService, Nop.Services.Shipping.IShippingService, Nop.Services.Orders.IOrderTotalCalculationService, Nop.Services.Orders.ICheckoutAttributeService, Nop.Services.Payments.IPaymentService, Nop.Services.Messages.IWorkflowMessageService, Nop.Services.Security.IPermissionService, Nop.Services.Media.IDownloadService, Nop.Core.Caching.ICacheManager, Nop.Core.IWebHelper, Nop.Services.Logging.ICustomerActivityService, Nop.Services.Common.IGenericAttributeService, Nop.Core.Domain.Media.MediaSettings, Nop.Core.Domain.Orders.ShoppingCartSettings, Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.CatalogSettings, Nop.Core.Domain.Orders.OrderSettings, Nop.Core.Domain.Shipping.ShippingSettings, Nop.Core.Domain.Tax.TaxSettings, Nop.Web.Framework.UI.Captcha.CaptchaSettings, Nop.Core.Domain.Common.AddressSettings, SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart.Domain.NopAjaxCartSettings)' on type 'NopAjaxCartShoppingCartController'.

Then if I press Continue debugging  message come out "Loading the page failed"

Obviously it should be info message about product was added to cart and would you like to continue shopping.

If I have  Nop Ajax Cart disabled everything is working fine then. But I would like to have   Nop Ajax Cart .

Thank you.

10 years ago

Have it sorted.
Need to re install Mega Menu form the  Motion Responsive Theme package.

10 years ago


When , I have Mega Menu enabled ,  it's not showing same way as on the Motion responsive demo page.  It's just goes with default silver like style.

If I have Mega Menu  disabled   Motion Theme have styling set to menu as well.
Please see screenshot1    

Thank you.